
Theme: Interconnectedness

Your connection in the Web of Life becomes more evident as you remember ONENESS. A "wholistic" way of living where regard & careful consideration is given as to how every action & thought affects the rest of creation, past, present, future & parallels.

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VK08 Multi-D Game Tool Learn to communicate through the Psychic Kids Network. Activate a new inner vision and how to see omni-dimensionally. Dissolve old operating systems easier and install new ones to help land a new civilization inside first. Encounter new ways to learn and perceive.

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VK36 Chariot of the Gods A "Tree of Life" or "Genetic Blueprint" is a Template for the Creation of the Body-Mind and is, at some level, a soul choice. This new Tree of Life offers a dimensional upgrade of our Blueprint to the next level, removing certain limiting factors incorporated into the current Adam-Kadmon Tree-Blueprint.

VK55 Oneness in Wholeness This Vibrakey was created in the energies preceding & leading up to 2009-09-09, the day we entered the Crystalline Age, an age of growing Unity & higher brighter clearer energies & ideas. In the beginning phases of living in a 5th Dimensional Level, our awareness of or remembrance of our true Divinity & Oneness is becoming realized within us.

VK64 Inside BETH A view of BETH, the new Superconsciousness Living Grid, from the inside.

VK75 Final Key of Harmony Assists one to begin to break one's polarity habit and make space for our new reality. It helps one learn to move massive amounts of stuck energy. We get to practice non-judgment as one learns to integrate duality. By a brave gesture of showing one's acceptance of ALL our experiences and aspect one begins with a powerful Oneness Initiation & Ceremony where one merges with one's own polarized Masters of Duality into Rainbow Mastery. A gift from Benevolent Source, the final 18th code is presented to complete the previous set of 17 codes flowing into our Earth plane as seen in VK73 Seeding New Potential.

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VK110B EYE of ONE Mirror Image Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun!

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