Divine Alchemical Union
This Vibrakey holds many levels of gifts for you. One is to introduce you to Te-Ar-man the 6D White Whale & the many gifts it brings to us. Another is to serve as a catalyst to stimulate a healing between your inner Father Mother Child. Leading to a peaceful & powerful energetic relationship between these archetypal energies, leading to an alchemical Divine Union within between them.This union is as important as the healing & alchemical Sacred Marriage between your inner Feminine & Masculine. They all represent parts of ourselves we have fractured off for the experience of separation from ONEness & our journey as we return home to ONEness. It also creates a map-bridge for us to access the Trinity Alignment which can serve us in reuniting our 3D self with our 6D & 12D selves. It also offers ideas about the third element which always brings evolution & serves as a Womb of Creation to assist us in birthing a new Crystalline Body & Quantum Mind.
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This Vibrakey holds many levels of gifts for you. One is to introduce you to Te-Ar-man the 6D White Whale & the many gifts it brings to us.Another is to serve as a catalyst to stimulate a healing between your inner Father Mother Child. Leading to a peaceful & powerful energetic relationship between these archetypal energies, leading to an alchemical Divine Union within between them.
This union is as important as the healing & alchemical Sacred Marriage between your inner Feminine & Masculine. They all represent parts of ourselves we have fractured off for the experience of separation from ONEness & our journey as we return home to ONEness. It also creates a map-bridge for us to access the Trinity Alignment which can serve us in reuniting our 3D self with our 6D & 12D selves. It also offers ideas about the third element which always brings evolution.
Alchemical Womb
This Vibrakey began as an alchemical womb. I could feel the birth something pending. Seems it has to do with many levels of something new coming into our reality. & serves as a Womb of Creation to assist us in birthing a new Crystalline Body & Quantum Mind.6D White Whale; Te-AR-Man, the Promised One
12-13-2005 We witnessed Prime Creator seeding something into our reality. Soon after that I saw a white bundle of cells, hanging in space. I first saw the White Whale as a ball of white folded up leather, hanging in space like a fetus with a long umbilical cord going off somewhere into space.I knew what it was as soon as I saw it. I was informed that it was about the birthing of a white whale into creation. I wondered if it had anything to do with the white buffalo and what they represent? Being aware of the stories about the white buffalo & the sacredness some cultures hold in their prophecies about the birth of white animals, I was paying attention. I felt a high field of Christ energy all around this being.
We watched for days as it grew. We began to fondly call it Opal since there seemed to be a pearlescent coloring around it when we looked. Over the next days we did several workings and it seemed like it was all going on inside me and the whale at the same time.
12-19 I was informed the White whale is being born to usher in an era of a new kind of Peace! We were called to observe & hold space for this being who was coming…..
12-20 My friend, Mamakoe (see VK26 Live Paradise 19.5N for his story) at Ho'okena beach, tells me that all of Nature knows of this impending birth.
12-21 We check in on the whale again to attend it. Seems it is androgynous, not male or female.
12-25 Late Christmas Eve with Marimar; we tune into the whale and saw a bright radiant place in space with wavy lines bursting out, many different colors. Brilliant. I knew it was from the heart of the White Whale. I was feeling very happy! What a gift for humanity!
12-28 The water broke & the birth feels imminent. The alchemical amniotic fluid we have all been creating and nurturing it with, broke today. Many beings came to assist in the preparation. Mary Magdalene, Quan yin, Blue Buddha and Colin all surrounded me-us and the White Cobra channel opened. My central channel was already open. The energy was pouring through. Marimar saw a gathering of ETs, Andromedans, Arcturians, Sirian Ahkus… all meditative and focused on the off white and creamy light that was pouring out. Angels surrounded them and they brought a large crystal with light embedded in it. The light of the great Central Sun. It steps down the frequency until we can see it. ETs position it until it is in the right place. Then went into a contemplative mode…
12-30 I see, when I look at things from space, a disc where they are doing the ceremony, but across and to the right is a ship. a very dark one, maybe it is the Ambassadors. That is what their ship looked like to Marimar when he first saw it as they holographically project it into our universe from theirs.
12-31-2005 I felt as if I went into transitional labor. It ran through my body as if I was birthing this being. Shortly after the turn of the year this white whale was born. It was a spectacular birth. We were sitting on the cliffs on the Big Island, Hawaii, watching the waves hit the cliffs & splash 80 feet into the air at the same time watching the New Year fireworks.
Te-Ar-Man Birthing
01-01-2006: Birthing of Te-Ar-Man happens 5 minutes after the turning of the New Year. The fireworks finale was occurring just as this being was born!
Bringing Gifts
Over the next weeks & months, we have observed & felt some very significant gifts from Te-Ar-Man. One is bringing in a balanced Masculine-Feminine Christ Energy. Another as a Divine Child, bringing in an alchemical key to the Divine Father & Mother for a total reunion to Oneness again.Perfect Union
01-08-2006: Te-ar-man brought a special gift to all of creation. We saw that Divine Mother and Father had separated without the full alchemical keys to return to the perfect union again. That is what Te-Ar-Man brought them. The Key! I heard this being sung by the Angelics during the re-union and re-blending of the Mother/Father through the new codes, brought by the child: Te-Ar-Man3-3-3 Trinity-Triune
As a balancing factor, representing the third element for the M-F dyad, Te-Ar-Man was born to the Mother Father Divine. That always brings evolution. A dyad or two relationship can get stuck or stalled. Creation seems generate a third element to open up the energies for evolution again. We have seen this many times in life. Te-Ar-Man is part of a Divine Trinity; Divine Child in relation with Divine Father & Divine MotherTrinity Alignment
This key is also a bridge to an event in Jan 23, 2007. “This trinity alignment is an alignment of celestial bodies in the third, ninth and 12th dimensions. These dimensions represent and affect your human, mental and source aspects. In other words, this alignment brings to you an alignment of your third dimensional selves, your ninth dimensional high mental selves, and your soul essence.This is a trine of perfect balance. This is a trinity of beingness in which your multi-dimensional aspects will align with the perfection of you, encompassing your human self and your soul being simultaneously with a perfection of harmonic resonance which has never been experienced by humanity. “ --Message From the Masters January 23rd, 2007 Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD
The value of the 3-3-3 alignment s mapped energetically for you to use in your own personal life.
Design Elements
Energetic Research
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Features of VK48
Crystalline: crystalline-based bodies vs. carbon-basedFather: masculinity issues, resolution of
Intimacy: starts within
Kundalini: learn to use sacred sexual energy to heal, rejuvenate, and energize the physical-energetic body, create with, share
Mother: femininity issues, resolution of
Sex: conscious sexuality
Spleen: assimilation, nurturing, nourishment, mother
True Love: for your body-mind
War-Conflict: ending it inside
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