Elixir of Liquid Love
SPLL Hi-Vibe Water & Super Consciousness Special

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plus Shipping & Handling
via Priority Mail: $15 US, $20-$25 International
Elixir of Liquid Love | $66.00 |
New codes are now flowing through the Venus-Earth Portal and through this design. They enter your body and light it up in a new way at the tiniest level where you cross from spirit to form, the seed strings. It "sings" to your structure, a new song! I encourage you to partake of one of many Venusian gifts as we assist in bringing the old guard, the Patriarchal Masculine, to a new level of relationship as part of a new WHOLE as the Divine Feminine joins in now to co-create DYNAMIC HARMONY for ALL.
The combination of the frequencies of these 2 Vibrakeys, Venusian Liquid Love & Rainbow Higher Consciousness, creates a special alchemy in your water. To me it is the most supportive water that can be created with my water designs. Water treated with them contains the energetic qualities to support higher consciousness and the healing & immortalization of the physical body. It is smooth, soothing and delicious tasting.
These designs support your ongoing ascension process; assisting you to clear yourself of old programs and patterns and raise your ability to hold more crystalline light, awakening to new levels; remembering more of who you truly are. Drinking the water created from them or just being in their fields help the trauma-dramas of the old system fall away then your new reality is free to form around you; full of harmony, freedom, clearer perspectives & greater understanding of what is really going on here in this Earth experience.
As your inner senses activate, your reality expands & may includes many more interactions with benevolent higher dimensional Beings who are wonderfully caring and fun to interact with. These designs can activate a new connection to Higher Dimensional full of loving Family and Friends and to the unseen Earth dimensions full of Magical spaces to explore, along with Nature Beings, Animals, Elementals and Plant beings who are ready to meet you and learn to co-create something new together. They want to help us and are very happy when we become aware of them and ask for their assistance. You can read more about them Here: GardenSong Portal and Fairy's Portal.
Your daily life becomes more grace-filled and pleasant, your ability to manifest consciously more of what you want increases and the vast possibilities to explore in ALL Creation open up. Ascension for our Mother Earth and ALL Humanity is in full swing. It is an intentional choice. These designs powerful assist in that choice as they easily bring you the frequencies, patterns and connections that change your own internal waters, open your mind to new potential and may reshape your physical vehicle and activate your super consciousness. This is a forever gift you give yourself.
The combination of these Vibrakeys offer your Body-Mind-Spirit and the Environment around you, some of the most potent soothing blissful and transformative design elements available in ALL the Vibrakeys.
You will receive these 3 Vibrakey design as Laminated cards
along with 3 PDF eGuidebooks.
Your Price:
plus Shipping & Handling
via Priority Mail: $15 US, $20-$25 International
Elixir of Liquid Love | $66.00 |
Gift of Liquid Love from Sophia & the Divine Feminine, Venusians
Once Earth and Venus were connected as sister planets in a very special way. They were disconnected when Earth "fell" into density. With the advent of their reconnection in 2009, this ancient relationship reconnection brings a new song to creation. The birth of this liquid love water design followed. Supportive codes are now flowing through the VK59 Venus-Earth Portal and through this design. They enter your body and light it up in a new way at the tiniest level of the seed strings where you cross from spirit to form. It "sings" to your structure, a new song!
ENJOY in JOY the
purifying - soothing - transformative - rejuventating - immortalizing
frequencies of
Venusian Water - Liquid Love
This design creates a new delicious kind of water to purify & heal the separation between us & the higher dimensions & elemental world. Pours in the Pure Love of the Divine Feminine. Reconnects us to our sister Venus and our Star Families that live there.
Higher Consciousness Card
This Rainbow Higher Consciousness Disc enhances energies & raises vibration of any product, liquid or solid, making it more potent & full of vitality. A gift from beings from a Universe that is a child of our Universe, returning the love and offering codes for raising your consciousness levels, activating your inner senses and assisting your body-mind-spirit to ascend out of the densities into a reality where grace, ease and creativity are your daily life.
receive a FREE GIFT from us!
K-TW Transform your Water Kit
K-TW Transform your Water Kit: Contains many water teaching design elements that restructure your water into a crystalline pattern that will help support you & all life it comes in contact with as we go through the great shift. Full of higher full spectrum rainbow light. It is like drinking liquid rainbows!
Higher Perspectives - Higher Consciousness
These gifts come from higher dimensional beings whose purpose in interacting with us is to assist us to awaken and to inspire us to transcend the densities, bringing us into a higher vibrational crystalline state. This means we begin to perceive our reality from higher and higher perspectives: coming to a place where we realize there is only love, then vibrationally leading us into a place of wholeness and oneness. The natural state of higher dimensional life is love, resulting in more feelings of joy, harmony, bliss, and ecstasy.
Drink Sip Bathe in Liquid Love
Drinking water treated with the combination of these designs is like drinking liquid love. It is healing, purifying, soothing, clarifying, transformative, unifying, rejuvenating, and immortalizing.
Help Transform Mother Paradise Earth's Waters
Treating your water with these designs is part of a greater gift to the Earth, as these frequencies are passed freely from one water molecule to another, eventually resulting in a new intelligence & consciousness within the planetary waters that is self-purifying and rejuvenating.
Your Price:
plus Shipping & Handling
via Priority Mail: $15 US, $20-$25 International
Elixir of Liquid Love | $66.00 |