True Love
for your body-mind
VK47 Alchemical Marriage Invites the masculine and feminine to unite and bond in a powerful sacred alchemical relationship of balance and creativity. Powerful and passionate when the energies are right with each other.
VK48 Divine Alchemical Union Representing an Alchemical Womb from which many new levels of your being can be birthed. Triunes - Trinities - Triads; Explore the power of the Third element to stimulate evolution.
VK52 Love & Beauty A recent gift from an Undine, or Water Spirit, in support of infusing the Earth with Love and Beauty.
VK60 Liquid Love Have you ever wondered what liquid love might taste like? Have you every thought of what it might feel like to saturate your cells & whole body with the truest kind of love? Now is your chance to find out. Treat your water with this powerful new design bridging the frequencies from a very special pool of alchemical liquid on Venus blessed by an ancient Council of Elders who know how to bring in a love frequency of the highest quality. You can also place it in a room where it will help set the energies of the space.