Terms of Honest Usage
for my original Art, Photography,
Words, Poetry, Articles & Messages
Feel free to LINK TO any ART or ARTICLE you like.
I thank you for honoring my copyrights.
Selling my products & services
is one way I sustain my life.
For Personal Use
If you desire to use my original Vibrakeys, Art or Photographsfor your own personal use,
Please Purchase Them
Hire or Commission Me
If you like my unique Hi-Vibe Style & attentions to Energy;
hire me to design your
Website Graphics, CD or Book Covers, or
commission yourself a Soul Glyph or Portrait.
Non-Profit Use
If you would like to use any of our art, graphics, quotes or written words in your website, blog or newsletter in a non profit way, I understand that you might only want to use one part of an article or a quote because it says just what you need to say. I understand that you might find one of my art pieces just exactly what you need to illustrate an idea… Happens to me all the time.
So Please do the Following
Hyperlink all graphics back to the page you found it on.If you don't know how to do this email me and ask…
Crediting Me Like This:
Art by Visionary-Artist-StoryTeller Saleena Kí aka Joan Ov’Art
Copy & paste it into the hyperlink link box.
Using Whole Article
If you want to use the WHOLE ARTICLE,contact me to discuss it.
Commercial Use of ANY of my Creative Works
Please Contact Me
I thank you for honoring my copyrights.
Copyright Notice
All ART and PHOTOS on this website, unless otherwise stated, belong to
Intergalactic Omni-versal Artist Alchemist StoryTeller
Saleena Kí aka Joan Ov’Art
©1995-2020 Joan Ov'Art, all rights reserved
Right Usage Terms: Contact Artist-Writer for Terms