femininity issues, resolution of
VK03 Feminine Power Great for those who are in process with or ready for completion with the past. Assists in gently opening you to cellular release of past trauma and no longer useful beliefs. Helpful in trauma abuse recovery and completing unfinished business. Frees stuck energy for use in the present. Angelic and feminine influences oversee this one. Lots of grace applied here.
VK07 Harmonious Relations Balances male and female aspects within you, ending polarity conflict. Imagine internal cooperation, internal peace, and this reflecting into your outer world! The war ends inside first, then we can have peace on Earth. Beautiful messages from our internal male and female.
VK16 Receive Mother Your own health & wellbeing depends on your ability to receive nourishment and then assimilate it to your Body-Mind-Spirit in such a way you flourish. Your comfort level in any moment is a matter of your being in presence with yourself, wherever you are.
VK24 Creation Legends Presents many archetypal stories to help us understand and create with, including the feminine and her relationship roles with the rest of creation.
VK25 Retriever Supports us to re-integrate more parts of ourselves, experiences & information we have “lost” across time, space, and dimensions.
VK31 PeaceMaker Created on 9-11-2001: As we dismantle our War Patterns inside, Peace will blossom into our outer world.
VK35 Telos Generator A Gift from our inner Earth family, this design is an energetic generator that uses your existing heart field and expands it.
VK47 Alchemical Marriage Invites the masculine and feminine to unite and bond in a powerful sacred alchemical relationship of balance and creativity. Powerful and passionate when the energies are right with each other.
VK48 Divine Alchemical Union Representing an Alchemical Womb from which many new levels of your being can be birthed. Triunes - Trinities - Triads; Explore the power of the Third element to stimulate evolution.