Sublime Health Project Kit
Amazingly easy & effective Program or those who desire greater levels of Health & Well-Being. Support to strengthen yourself biologically, emotionally & spiritually so you are more resilient & adaptable as you evolve & awaken. Perfect timing as we all move though this time of drastic change & creative chaos into a new reality.Options & Prices
Kit with eGuide | $77.00 |
See VK Prices & Formats for details on formats. An additional shipping surcharge may apply for international orders or mixed Giclée Print and Laminated Print orders.
This Sublime Health Project is for those who desire greater levels of Health & Well-Being. We offer support to strengthen you biologically, emotionally & spiritually so you are more resilient & adaptable as you move through the creative chaos & continue to evolve & awaken. As we all move through this time of drastic change we are together co-creating a new reality.K-HP Sublime Health Project Kit includes:
VK37 Sublime Health full sized 8.5x8.5" laminated card
50 page G-HP eGuide to help you get started.
How to Use; Quick Reference eGuide to print.
WA2 for restructuring your water
K-TW Transform your Water Kit eGuide
G-BB Bliss Breathing eGuide.
Support Options
There are many ways to access the benefits of this design:Option 1
1. If you wish to work just with the frequencies within the design you can purchase VK37 Sublime Health as a digital image to use on your computer, a Laminated 8.5x8.5" Card with Back information or a Fine Art Print to frame and place where it can bathe you in all the transforming frequencies. You can also meditate into the design and let your eyes rest into where ever you intuitively are drawn. Many dimensional journeys can begin this way. A friend used this design as a launching portal for many months of daily meditations and journeys.Option 2

2. Purchase the K-HP Sublime Health Project Kit This will guide you in your connection with the Arcturians and getting yourself ready to work with them in an ongoing relationship which is simple, powerful and easy.
K-HP Sublime Health Project Kit | $77.00 |
Option 3

3. Purchase a Sublime Health Project Support Session where Saleena sits in live with you during a 1 to 1.5 hour session with the Arcturians to help to get your project started. She listens and shares her insights. She also shares insights from your personal Arcturian Guide or her main contact, Belees, who serves as the Leader of the Sublime Health A-Team. Session can be done on Skype or Telephone. Includes a Skype transcript or recording.
SR05 Sublime Health Guidance | $111.00 |
Option 4

4: Purchase a 1 hour Support Session anytime where Saleena sits in live with you during one of your weekly re-assessment times and listens and shares her insights. She also shares insights from your personal Arcturian Guide or her main contact, Belees, who serves as the Leader of the Sublime Health A-Team. Session can be done on Skype or Telephone. Includes a Skype transcript or recording.
SR06 Sublime Health Support Session - 1hr | $55.00 |
Option 5

5. Purchase a Sublime Health Project Support Session where Saleena sits in live with you during a 1 to 1.5 hour set-up session with the Arcturians to help to get your project started. She listens and shares her insights. She also shares insights from your personal Arcturian Guide or her main contact, Belees, who serves as the Leader of the Sublime Health A-Team. Then once a week for 3 consecutive weeks, she sits in live to listen and share insights and messages. Session can be done on Skype or Telephone. Includes a Skype transcripts or recordings.
SR07 Sublime Health Support Package - 4x1hr | $266.00 |
Arcturian's Offering
ARCTURIAN'S OFFERING OF LOVE: We offer FREQUENCY ANTIDOTESfor greater levels of BIOLOGICAL STRENGTH, SUBLIME HEALTH, WELL-BEING & HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS. This will make it easier to raise your vibration & ascend. Our intention is to, with your conscious consent & co-operation, assess your personal frequencies & create specific antidotal balancing & strengthening frequencies that are broadcast through this design to you. We are cropcircle designers & frequency experts. This design carries & broadcasts an array of general formulas & patterns that have been previously placed on earth as Crop circles for assisting your transition here on Earth. We are excited to offer this gift to you.
We only work with frequencies & do not diagnose nor treat disease or illness. If you choose to go that path, please see an appropriate practitioner.
How Does it Work?
We are living Crystal & Water thus we respond to frequencies-patterns that are broadcast all around us, rearranging our crystal structures over & over again.One example is how the K-TW Transform your Water Kit, with its WA1 WaterAlive & WA2 RainbowWater designs, transform your water by offering patterns to change the water crystals. VK44 BluWater, a new evolutionary water, has even newer patterns for improving the intelligence of our water.
Masaru Emoto’s work illustrates the responsiveness of water crystals to all kinds of wave patterns, via thoughts, sounds, intentions, words, pictures, colors, prayers, music & even questions, proposing that this element of water is intelligent or an interface for a higher intelligence. We are a large percentage water, thus this responsiveness lives within us in this way. We are a mixture of patterns & beliefs that form our physical structure & the experience of our reality.
Some patterns-beliefs are genetically transferred at birth, while others are picked up from our environment around us. Some are inherited from a greater consensus mind. The past present future & parallel dimensions affect us also. All these “frequencies” begin to focus “structures of consciousness” into manifestation, then into the denser realms as physicality.
There are many things you do naturally to fill in any missing frequencies. You wear specific colors, listen to certain songs or music you are attracted to in the moment, indulge food cravings, or enjoy being around certain people you are attracted to. They literally may have a missing frequency you need & you feel better when you are around them.
Our Sublime Health Project is designed to clear you of negative & harmful frequencies, by broadcasting frequency antidotes. Then to assist your body to retrain itself to make the frequencies it needs to be in balance. Eventually, as it can accept them, we will offer your body frequencies that enhance & enlighten it in ways you will be able to access higher realms of consciousness & eventually, immortality.
Life in these higher realms is like living in a paradise, compared to what you have been experiencing in the lower density realms; a heavenly atmosphere with so much love, respect, harmony, wonderful feelings. Higher Dimensional Life supports & encourages you to live in harmony with all there is & follow your passionate highest desires & dreams.
More information is included about these topics: Daily Practices to Promote Health & Well-Being Happiness for no Reason Gratitude & Appreciation Ecstatic States & their Benefits Arcturian Wisdom Ambassador Wisdom Breathing Techniques: see VK20 LightBody Bliss
More of the Story
To enjoy more of the story and description, visit The Sublime Health Project with Saleena Ki, an interview by Colin Whitby.Energetic Research
Related Pages
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