Theme: Rainbows
Something magical & uplifting about Rainbows! Light & color are vibrations & these Rainbow frequencies restore Metatronic Full Spectrum Light into your Body-Mind-spirit & environment. You love rainbows? These Vibrakey & Art design include them:
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Related Vibrakeys
VK01 Creation Cosmology Assists you to access the truth of who you are. Opens chakras, and activates the DNA. A creation story.
VK03 Feminine Power Great for those who are in process with or ready for completion with the past. Assists in gently opening you to cellular release of past trauma and no longer useful beliefs. Helpful in trauma abuse recovery and completing unfinished business. Frees stuck energy for use in the present. Angelic and feminine influences oversee this one. Lots of grace applied here.
VK05 Abundance Connects you to your true nature, calling forth more of your natural light essence, your divine GodSelf, which naturally attracts abundance and the perfect balance of caring for others and self. Helps to cut away all that is not useful anymore. Also assists in connecting with destined connections.
VK11.5 RainbowWater Changes and energizes water, providing it with vibrational patterns to restore it to a vital, natural state; more alive & pure, sweeter tasting, with more energy for your body to use. Water molecule de-clumps, allowing it to be more easily accessible, more cleansing. Supports the DNA recoding process, activation of the crystalline LightBody. Restructured, energized water is one super way to support your body in this time of great transition.
VK11 WaterAlive MasterKey Great for Moving & Directing Specific Energies for healing or for clearing stagnant energy in your environment. Easy to use for Feng Shui. Helps Focus desired energies from other objects. Creates a refreshingly sweet, full bodied, energized water.
VK12 Stargate - Contact A multidimensional stargate designed to restore your memories of your galactic heritage, family and destiny. Can be used for interdimensional & time travel. Uses sound keys. Wonderful journeying available. A dimensional teaching tool.
VK13 Universal Library The Master Engine for the whole Vibrakey grid. It includes 4 Power systems: Pyramid Power, 7 Fold Geometry, Super Collider, All-In-All-Ring made of God’s Gold Key and Mother's Silver Ring which is made up of symbols that give access to a Universal Library of information.
VK15 Love's Power Activates Thymus gland, strengthens the immune system and Opens the Heart. Beautiful rainbow crystal lotus.
VK16 Receive Mother Your own health & wellbeing depends on your ability to receive nourishment and then assimilate it to your Body-Mind-Spirit in such a way you flourish. Your comfort level in any moment is a matter of your being in presence with yourself, wherever you are.
VK19 Codons - DNA Activates a new system of omni-dimensional reception and triggers a new sequence of alchemical action to support your awakening and the restoration of your DNA Blueprint to perfection.
VK20 LightBody Bliss Supports re-growth, opening & activation of the Pineal Gland, leading to the natural activation of the LightBody and establishment of a natural boundary system between us and the outer reality.
VK22 Unikey - Grail - Sphinx Penetrates barriers that hide you from yourself and each other. Unlocks dimensional doorways, stargates, files, seals, penetrates the deepest held illusions.
VK23 Dolphin's Window Restores us to Primal Time Frequency, re-aligning us with our original Divine Timing, reducing stress & struggles associated with linear time.
VK25 Retriever Supports us to re-integrate more parts of ourselves, experiences & information we have “lost” across time, space, and dimensions.
VK32 Multi-D Reality Am I the Dreamer or am I the Dream? Activates the energy center that is a well of encoded information.
VK33 5D Manifestation - Dolphins New Landing Matrix from the Dolphins- Assisting us as Source Creators to bring into reality; all the dreams, visions, ideas, thoughts, and whatever you clearly see, and spend time feeling strongly about.
VK34 Living Alchemy - Whales It is designed to activate that part of each of us that is a Seer. It is also an alchemical womb for manifestation and co-creation. It draws in the electrical energy of creation to activate the womb where you place your project.
VK35 Telos Generator A Gift from our inner Earth family, this design is an energetic generator that uses your existing heart field and expands it.
VK36 Chariot of the Gods A "Tree of Life" or "Genetic Blueprint" is a Template for the Creation of the Body-Mind and is, at some level, a soul choice. This new Tree of Life offers a dimensional upgrade of our Blueprint to the next level, removing certain limiting factors incorporated into the current Adam-Kadmon Tree-Blueprint.
VK38 Sacred HeartGate The heart space is not just a physical space inside a physical heart. It is physical and energetic. The “Whole Heart" is a vast experience! There is so much to explore inside each of your own hearts.
VK42 Essence Imbuer Create your own Potent Custom Formulas. Energize your Food & Water. Restructures Water & Liquids to support your health & well-being & raise your consciousness. Move & Direct Energies wherever you want them.
VK44 BluWater Elixir New kind of intelligence offered to water of this planet. Exciting vibrational raising codes and designs from our friends, the Ambassadors. Includes Red Creation Codes and all the previous water designs to thoroughly restructure your water for the most wonderful taste!
VK46 Rainbow LightShip Still in the Birthing Chamber: Introduces a new level of LightBody full of the new Metatronic Full Spectrum Rainbow Light. Activated in the pineal gland.
VK47 Alchemical Marriage Invites the masculine and feminine to unite and bond in a powerful sacred alchemical relationship of balance and creativity. Powerful and passionate when the energies are right with each other.
VK55 Oneness in Wholeness This Vibrakey was created in the energies preceding & leading up to 2009-09-09, the day we entered the Crystalline Age, an age of growing Unity & higher brighter clearer energies & ideas. In the beginning phases of living in a 5th Dimensional Level, our awareness of or remembrance of our true Divinity & Oneness is becoming realized within us.
VK56 Super Consciousness Grid Kilabetha is an intelligent organic superconscious communications grid. She facilitates galactic contact by enabling easier communications with higher dimensional beings.
VK59 Venus-Earth Portal Reunion of Venus & Earth. Ancient relationship reconnection brings a new song to creation. Portal to Galactic Kachina, Galactic Mother - Center & Greater Central Sun.
VK61 Rainbow Mirror The Rainbow Mirror introduces you to the new Rainbow God, Kahl. This higher dimensional being is neither masculine nor feminine & can take on any form that pleases the situation.
VK64 Inside BETH A view of BETH, the new Superconsciousness Living Grid, from the inside.
VK67 Crystalline Creation Crystalline Portal through which flows the liquid crystal Waters of Life from Source; nectar of the greatest sweetness. Connecting us to our butterfly family who live at the edge of creation. Alchemical Womb for supporting Crystal Creations. Love of the Divine flows through this portal. 6D Angelic energies shape it’s structure. Transformation happens here. New life is formed. Crystal Seeding flows, new DNA is activated.
VK70 Rainbow SunFire Initiation Four Stage Initiation: (1) Bathe in Rainbow SunFire, Converting body fibers to more a more crystalline state; (2) Remove cellular barriers; (3) Bring Pineal Gland flame into Master Cell; (4) Receive a "Piece of Home": Creator's Heart.
VK75 Final Key of Harmony Assists one to begin to break one's polarity habit and make space for our new reality. It helps one learn to move massive amounts of stuck energy. We get to practice non-judgment as one learns to integrate duality. By a brave gesture of showing one's acceptance of ALL our experiences and aspect one begins with a powerful Oneness Initiation & Ceremony where one merges with one's own polarized Masters of Duality into Rainbow Mastery. A gift from Benevolent Source, the final 18th code is presented to complete the previous set of 17 codes flowing into our Earth plane as seen in
VK73 Seeding New Potential.
VK97 Bloom & Thrive A Vibrakey Soul Portrait & Portal for Mother Mary, co-created with her by sisters Saleena Ki and Mary Angelico. She extends us the invitation to meet her in the New 5D Earth Paradise Garden we are all co-creating and readying ourselves to live at this level of reality.
VK100 Ascension Sun To assist you in more consciously connecting to and taking advantage of the powerful ascension energies, codes and information flowing through our Sun. To assist in moving from 3D to 5D Hyper Time and Space. To bring through New Life Code Seeds from outside our Creation, to offer us a vast new potential as we become and co-create our Crystalline Paradise New Earth. To honor and support the ascension of Mother Earth-Gaia and to ascend together.
VK110A EYE of ONE Back2Back Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun!
VK110B EYE of ONE Mirror Image Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun!
K-HC Higher Consciousness Kit Raise your consciousness. Clear, clean, enhance, correct & enliven your products or environments to support your awakening and raising your vibration. The alchemy, created by the layering of many key codes & pattern frequencies embedded in this Rainbow Activator Energizer disc, highly charges, energizes & activates.
K-LB Rainbow LightBody Kit The use of
VK20 LightBody Bliss & practicing the Bliss Breathing, along with using
VK46 Rainbow LightShip to structure your water & raise your consciousness, prepares your body-mind to receive the Rainbow LightShip seed from VK46. Then 3-4 weeks after it has grown & integrated enough, you are then ready to activate your Rainbow LightBody vehicle using the design of VK20 & the instructions in VK20g Lightbody in Transition Vibrakey Guide.
K-TW Transform your Water Kit Create a refreshingly sweet, full bodied, energized water. This water is delicious; more full bodied & sweeter. Easy to taste with many other benefits. Restructure your water to help the earth clear its negative patterns.
K-TWD Transform your Water Deluxe Kit Create a refreshingly sweet, full bodied, energized water. This water is delicious; more full bodied & sweeter. Easy to taste with many other benefits. Restructure your water to help the earth clear its negative patterns.