opening to inspiration
VK32 Multi-D Reality Am I the Dreamer or am I the Dream? Activates the energy center that is a well of encoded information.
VK35 Telos Generator A Gift from our inner Earth family, this design is an energetic generator that uses your existing heart field and expands it.
VK36 Chariot of the Gods A "Tree of Life" or "Genetic Blueprint" is a Template for the Creation of the Body-Mind and is, at some level, a soul choice. This new Tree of Life offers a dimensional upgrade of our Blueprint to the next level, removing certain limiting factors incorporated into the current Adam-Kadmon Tree-Blueprint.
K-SS Sacred Space Kit Creating Sacred Space is a wonderful & powerful thing to do for yourself. This kit can help you do this easier by describing ways to so this & by helping with the energies once it is set up.