celestial-spiritual body
VK05 Abundance Connects you to your true nature, calling forth more of your natural light essence, your divine GodSelf, which naturally attracts abundance and the perfect balance of caring for others and self. Helps to cut away all that is not useful anymore. Also assists in connecting with destined connections.
VK06 Fruition Mission Draws the higher aspect of you out, like a seed, into full fruition of self, and full sun of soul. Opens you to what you came here to be and do. Connects you to your true identity, the fulfillment of your mission. Universal Law of Love is applied as we remember our connection to all life. Opens third eye. Works well with
VK15 Love's Power.
VK35 Telos Generator A Gift from our inner Earth family, this design is an energetic generator that uses your existing heart field and expands it.
VK54 Crystal DNA An invitation and activation. Something brand new has arrived in Creation! At the most personal level it is happening right now within your bodies. Your DNA is turning more Crystalline and that means your Consciousness and your body are tuning and turning more crystalline.