
2014-07-13 SpinningStarS Update #2

WingMakers WOW!


Saleena: This is a continuation from the first eNewz, Time Capsules, I sent today. It is about a group of beings who call themselves the WingMakers.


The art, the music, the poetry, the energy is astonishingly beautiful!



Music is here: www.lyricus.org/
..WINGMAKERS MUSIC,[… The music of the WingMakers consists of 
seven music CDs that are currently available at the WingMakers.com website. Each of these discs is an encoded sensory data stream that has very specific objectives relative to cellular activation within the Central Nervous System (CNS).


A tiny sample of Discourse 1 from the Discourses to study while listening to the music at Lyricus.org:

Student: So you’re saying this is true of humans as well. We strive to experience our God-fragment out of an evolutionary imperative or compulsion?

Teacher: Yes, and like the flying fish, when we break from our world it is only for a short time and we fall beneath the surface once again. But while we are above the surface of our world, we momentarily forget we are just a human with a beginning and an end. Yet, when we do this, we do not imagine that we can touch the face of God within ourselves.

Student: But I do. I feel that I can, and even should, touch this God-fragment.

Teacher: You think this way because you have the hopeful exuberance and naïveté of a person unacquainted with the experience of First Source.

Student: So you don’t feel this way?

Teacher: Anyone attuned to the highest vibrations of their innermost self will feel this and be guided by it. The only difference is that I am content in knowing that I will not experience it while I am embodied in a human instrument.

Student: And what does this contentment provide you that I don’t have?

Teacher: The ability to channel my energy into this world rather than to apply it in the pursuit of another.

Student: But I thought you said it is an evolutionary imperative? How do I control this desire or ambition?

Teacher: Live in this world with all your passion and strength. See the God-fragment in this world, even if it is only a diminished beacon or tired light. See it! Nurture it! Do not be so quick to look for it in the depths of your heart or mind where you believe it might be.”


6 Heart Virtues here: www.wingmakers.com/6-heart-virtues/


Wingmaker Art is here: www.wingmakers.com/content/paintings/


And I have just begun to explore!

I hope this opens some enjoyable avenues for new impulses in your life,

Much love flowing from my heart to yours,

Saleena Ki


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