through Saleena Kí
"After the deepest
cleanse and emotional purging
I am waking up to a new
level of my own passionate expression."
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Spinning-StarS eNewz here
Energy Report; Wild
Fluctuations Giving Gifts of Higher Consciousness & New Form
Energy Report; Wild
Art that Does Something;
New Rhythms for your Life
Giving Gifts of Higher
Consciousness & New Form
Define a Special Space to
Support & Nourish You
Order your own Energetic
Pyramid Kit
BEST DEAL on the whole
Aloha Heart Family,
As we are coming into the last leg of our long awaited journey to the 2012 Shift of the Ages, the HEART seems to be one unique key for living in a new way together on our beautiful planet, Paradise Earth. My journey has definitely been wild these last few months! My sister, Mary, described the energies flowing in from Galactic Center as one sharp steep continuous sine wave that is getting so steep and close together, like transitional labor phase during the birthing process.
They seem to shoot us into ecstasy, joy and bliss, then plunge us into the deepest old stuff; anger-despair-pain, nitty gritty, jagged odd sensations, etc; grungy old stuff we haven’t known how to deal with and clear until now. Then right back up to peace-joy-harmony-bliss-love-inspiration. Up and down bobbing like a Yo-Yo! Sometimes rather rapidly... its rather tough if you want to hold onto anything...
A few days ago I experienced the most awesome energy. I was lifted up into a kind of shear bliss most of the day. It I quieted myself and just sat with it, it seemed to course through me. It was a great relief since so many days, I experience such jagged and intense feelings and energies off and on throughout the day.
Another day, I found myself blasting out some astonishingly fierce old furiously angry stuff at someone I really love, and it astonished me. Since I am committed to clearing it ALL, whatever it represents, to get to the place as quick as possible where I stop projecting it on someone else, get back into my heart and deal with the root of it in me, I sat down and let go of some frustrated tears. I asked for help (key) then I immediately remembered to use Ho'oponopono, then did an Entity Clearing for good measure. See my Useful Techniques section in the menu of the Messages of Our New Universe blog .
Then I put on the 6 Minute Quantum Clearing by Darrius, who is hosting a Teleseminar I've been listening to. I felt some amazing sensations of the old energies leaving me as I used this method. Since the intensity of the outburst was so strong, I was amazed at how quickly I shifted. It was such a powerful combination.
I am sharing it because I am
enjoying it so much and getting so much value from it. He offers this
opportunity to clear deeply during the first ten minutes before each of a
series of a teleseminar talks called "You Wealth Revolution Ascension 2012." This
teleseminar is free and you get the clearing for free, just for signing up
or click on the icon. It is a great activation experiment. I enjoy this program
so much, it is the first time I signed up as an affiliate with anyone. So if
you join with the link above and do happen to purchase something, I get some
abundance, too. Fun!
I am using these talks to stay inspired through these next two months until the anticipated day of 2012-12-21 and on to the most important day… 2012-12-22. That is the day I am excited to celebrate! The beginning of the brand new cycle where the Feminine will have a much greater influence on Earth and within humankind.
I am feeling the difference in me as an ability to recover faster and get on with what is fun and joyful. I am so glad that so many people are offering ways to more easily remove the old patterns. What if it is easy? For me, I feel more confident I can get through this when I have the right tools and inspiration. I seem to be able to remember to use them faster now. I seem to be able to get back to loving myself easier and to open to loving and receiving love from others in a new way. More experience will tell....
Stargate 12-12 Pineal
Gland Activation
Whatever you believe is happening, this season, focused around giving, is a great time to give gifts that help lift consciousness, raise vibrations, share certain positive rhythms easily with the ones you love. I just listened to a wonderful talk by Burt Goldman on Quantum Jumping and this is part of why he suggests the jumping. To meet with and merge with someone (sometimes another aspect of yourself) that has the rhythms you would like to embody in your life. I know this is one of my keys for the big changes I want in my life.
Rhythms, vibrations, waves, vibrational patterns, like certain sounds or words or sacred geometry, help shape form and consciousness. That is how the Vibrakeys and my Transformational Art works; with vibrations in the patterns, the forms and the colors, along with the purest intentions to help change this reality! When you look at it… when you are around it, when you stare at it, meditate into the design or even follow the directions and journey into it, you are presented with new vibrational patterns that encourage you, your form, your mind, your body, to shift to a higher vibrational pattern. (They emit something like sound waves.)
Chariot of the Gods-New
I would love for you to
give a gift of my “art that does something” to someone you love!
This is my dream; to spread these high vibrational design all around the world, to help us uplift ourselves into a new way of life, a new reality.
explains what Vibrakeys are:
a unique portal of Art Vibrations Ascension Tools Stories and Information
I offer Fine Art Prints; up to 13x13” with beautiful sparkling saturated colors.
Vibrakeys; 8.5x8.5” laminated version with information on the back making it a more
useful tool of transformation that can be carried around anywhere.
Here is one the Go Gratitude
group recently decided to use; called HeartGate, illustrating one of their inspirational
42 day projects called HeartFire Gateways to help
people get more into their hearts. My art was
chosen for the 42nd day!
There are 101 Butterfly wings (Hawaiian orange and silver ones-I took the photo) overlapped in the colorful border around the heart. These represents the imaginal cells, as in what takes over inside the caterpillar to make space for a butterfly to emerge; my hope for a new world, a new reality where everyone is living in their hearts, loving from their hearts and informing their own life from their heart, as the norm. The glyphs are an ancient language of love, given straight from the most ancient heart of humanity. The blue flowing in is the Divine Feminine. The Jewels are an activation gift from the Mothers. There is a wonderful verse from the Upanishad about the tiny little space in the heart containing everything in all creation right there inside you own tiny little sacred space of your heart. These are the words running around the border.
Order ONE for yourself or
someone you LOVE
If you are ready for a brand new kind of experience, another idea is to give yourself, or a loved one, the gift of an energetic pyramid. It is totally customizable for whatever you want it to support you with. I am setting one up for myself today. Mine is going to support Quantum Jumping; a Jump Room of sorts, help it be easier and more powerful. I plan to set it with the vibrations of easier communications with Benevolent Beings from all dimensions. I add that the vibrations will support my physical-mental and emotional fields, helping them stabilize during this last part of the wild ride of energy this year. It give you the benefits of pyramid energy without a bulky physical structure, so you can set it up nearly anywhere any size up to a certain dimension.
One person reported that immediately upon entering their new pyramid space, they were able to travel into other dimensions much easier during their meditation time.
I had one set up in Hawaii. A very wise 11 year old boy came into my room one day, stopped and looked around wide-eyed and said something like, "Whatever is in here, I've got to have one!" Some people can feel the energy of them tangibly.
2012 Elixir of Liquid Love Special
3 Kits in One!
for your Heart-Body-Consciousness & Water
Read More About Her Here
Our New Living Super Consciousness Heart Innernet Grid is an Ongoing Project
Feel free to enter & energize, work with & explore BETH at anytime!
She recently made a huge upgrade.
From: Lanny Sinkin []
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:47 AM
To: Saleena Kí; Hugh Matlock Subject:
"Last night I watched as a huge structure settled into place around the Earth. The geometry aligned the energetic planes. Miracles and wonders are already emerging. Your contributions to this creation are very much appreciated."
The more we use her the stronger we will all grow together;
the sooner we will have the Reality we Desire.
The power of all of us consciously focusing together
is what will create a kind reality as we experience a kind of bonding fusion
between our new consciousness & this Living Grid.
You can read some of our New Earth Seeds we planted here:
See if you recognize if any of them are growing now...
Purchase Here
After the deepest cleanse and emotional
I am waking up to a new level of my own
passionate expression.
This past year I almost lost my life spark. I journeyed through the deepest pits and valleys of the oldest despairs, guilt, shame, regret, spontaneously revisiting things I had done, hadn't done and many experiences that I had buried over the years just to continue living, doing the best I knew how with my life as it was. I gave lots of people, especially those I most love, the opportunity to be very very hurt with some of those damages showing up now in very intense ways in their lives. As the energies of our planet continue to rise and manifestation are quicker, this was starting to come loose inside me as a kind of poisonous self hate, despair, lack of life force and projections onto my partner as some bitter, complaining and hurtful encounters. I realize now these were all projections of what was inside me.
I have tried so many things over the years and began to feel as if I had slipped backwards and digressed into some kind of being that would never make it through an ascension. I really want to ascend. (To me, it means raising my consciousness up past these lower vibrating experiences, emotions and expression into a new kind of life experience.) I started to fear I was possibly going to fail this whole process. My life force got so low I could hardly get going anywhere or do anything. Luckily my Soul and Life Team had something greater in mind for me. I was suddenly miraculously on my way to visit my Mother, whom I hadn't seen for 6 years!
My visit was a mixed experience of wonderful reunion, lots of love & the deepest cleanse I have had in a very long time. Those ups and down waves I began sharing about today, they were intense. Memories surfacing of family relations, raising 4 children, partnerships beginning and ending. Full of regrets for things I did and didn't do. Facing my most difficult fears, a sort of inner terror, that I really didn't do a good job of raising my children and wasn't really a decent human being. I won't go into more details, I know that some of you have your own versions of these kinds of stories.
All the time, there was also an inner kind of witness, who helped me take the steps to embrace what was coming up, forgive myself, ask for help, use my skill and gradually I started coming back online. I saw a very unique nutritionist who tested me and got me on some powerful whole food supplements. My life force started coming back.
When I arrived back home, 50 days later and seemingly forever, I felt like a new being. My health is improving. My spark is returning. My creative fires are beginning to fire up. I am feeling a new surge to create a life that works for both my partner and I.
There are still the continuing ups and downs of these constant Cosmic rhythmic waves that are Creation shaking loose every low vibration we have left in us. Pushing us to each birth something new from within us and as we do, a new Earth is born, a new Reality is co-created. I am using my skills and loving the community support of these Teleseminars. I am dreaming in a new dream life for myself and in it I am very different. Maybe next eNewz I will share more about this.
For now my new dreams-intentions are tender and I am holding them in my heart as these new seeds begin to sprout and break through the soil of my own New Earth. We have such a short time before we are through this long awaited portal, door, gate... What an amazing opportunity we have. Many of us came here to Earth just for this. What will we create of ourselves?
I thank you for ALL that each of you are doing and being to co-create a new reality.
Sending out a HUGE Love Bubble full of love like I have never experienced before
topped with big delicious heaps of appreciation and gratitude to each of you...
Saleena Kí
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