Spinning-StarS eNewz

03-01 thru 03-20 2011
urgent update energy report


Saleena: This message and your participation is so important I am sending it out again. We have until Spring Equinox to respond to this. I have also added some new information, events and new message links. To all those who have become human portals to help move all this energy... thank you! To all who responded and sent donations, my heart is touched. Thank you! Please consider that your actions are changing our world reality. I am eternally grateful to everyone of you!




by Spring Equinox!



Purchase New VK75 The Final Key


The Final Key: The 18th Code



Simple Guidance for the Process



There is a Planetary Call being offered to

ALL Earth Humans

to assist with a

MASSIVE Movement of Energy

Before the Spring Equinox


The Request is Simple

You are being asked to become a

Human Portal






Massive Movement of Energy to flow

into you, through you and out into the Earth Plane

so whatever needs to shift

before the Spring Equinox can shift.


Who is Asking?

BENEVOLENT Source through the

Angelics in behalf of ALL Creation.


Why is this Important?

I will let Belees, the Arcturian explain:


Message to Humanity from Belees:
Invitation to Help
Move Massive Amounts of Energies using

The Final Key


It is a very intense and exciting time on Earth. So many actions are planned to ease your Mother Earth through her transition without totally destroying all of you on her surface. To support you if you want to take advantage of this unique time of alignments and energies that support you to ascend. It is true there is an opportunity for a mass ascension at this time. There is a massive amount of energy that needs to move at many levels and very quickly. There are too many levels to explain right now. It is sufficient to know that it is happening and very strongly right now.


We are extending an invitation to

ALL of you to participate.


There have been some very strong teachers

here on your planet controlling you

for a very long time.


It is time for them to be fully released.


The series of peaceful and determined revolutions

all around your planet spoke to us all,

those who are watching and assisting you,

in a very strong ways,

that you are ready to be set free.

That it is your choice.


This is what ALL of CREATION has responded to.


The root of the controlling faction is removed.

The spell they installed is broken.


The Earth's grid is repairing and

the opening is NOW HERE for you to

truly birth your new version of Earth.

Read More HERE




Simple Guidance for the Process



New VK73 Seeding New Potential

Saleena Ki: The Final Key comes at the end of a series of 17th Light Language information bearing codes that have been streaming into the Earth plane from beyond our Local Source for the last 2 months to seed new potential into creation.


Use The Final Key; the 18th Code,

which brings you an opportunity to...


Learn non-judgment at a whole new level.


Break your Polarity Habits!


Learn Something NEW!


Open: Allow: Witnessing EVERYTHING with Neutrality


Lets the energy move where it needs to move.


Usher in a whole new way of life.






Simple Guidance for the Process



Belees, the Arcturian, has some insightful things to share about the mind's habits and how judgment polarizes us into duality thinking and energy gets stuck and build up. There is so much of it that needs to move. When I received this gift they explained it in "thought packets" along with the words they were using. I saw the tangled mass of energies that were deeply embedded in us, and the earth plane and that is some of what needs to massive move out. When you agree to become a human portal and experience this, you are cleared at a whole new level.


Human Vortices


Yesterday I got a message: someone whispered in my inner ear that there was a message in the Songs of the Arcturians Vol. 3. I didn't have that volume, so I looked on Amazon.com to see if I could find it. I saw they had a "Search inside this book". So I just hit, "Surprise Me" and figured what was supposed to come up would:


Songs of Malantor; Arcturian Chronicles Vol 3


"Varying degrees of heightened energies that arise from a vantage point along a grid where light strands crisscross. Vibration and light energies arising from a vortex varies greatly and may range from a few inches to miles. Intuitively, humans have always recognized vortices as power spots of sacred sites. Refer to Volume 1, Part III for more detailed information."


The voice then suggested that "a human body is a vortex, also, a sacred spot, a power spot in the Universe where many light strands criss-cross." That is why we can so powerfully participate in this request from our Source.


Another thing I have seen is MASSIVE NUMBERS of Angelics who are on standby to help us to move this energy.




Red Dragon is Gone - Spells Are Broken



Belees references this in his March 1st message. The is an amazing experience our new Omni-D Travel Adventure Team had when we were practicing The Final Key. It is called: 2011-02-26 Release of the Red Dragon and Magic Spells from Earth Grid and Birthing of Something New in Mother Earth. This is what Belees was referring to when he said: "The root of the controlling faction is removed. The spell they installed is broken. The Earth's grid is repairing and the opening is NOW HERE for you to truly birth your new version of Earth."


Saleena: Someone is sharing with me. They are showing me a huge giant red ball of energy rising up from the Earth… there is a kind of Red Dragon…very fierce looking rising up out of it and there are kind of flames rising out of the red ball…I sense this is connected to the ET Controllers, the ones that have been at the head of all this amazing play of control and exploitation…It is like they have been flushed out and are being disconnected from their hold on Earth right NOW! I feel all the ships are focusing on that red ball being cut loose…


I saw that it was above Earth but had its first anchor in the Middle East so with all this revolution for freedom and the will of the people coming online… with their actions and their determination which is growing… something crossed over and this release is now possible....


<<< Some kind of Light Codes are coming online right now in the Feminine. Activating…turning on… [9:11:59 PM] I am sending it into every woman in the Middle East right now… every woman that has the heart and mission to accept and move this energy into the ground, into the Earth now…. they know… the ones that are prepared for this….


Read More





Please Pass this on to your Social Networks and Lists

Help this call go out to everyone!

Please consider passing This on to your lists and social networks so we can take ourselves to a whole new level of life here on Earth. Much love, gratitude and awe to all who have had the courage in whatever way you have to stand up in peaceful revolution and insist we move into an amazing new state of freedom on our Planet Earth. BIG HUGS, APPLAUSE and MASSIVE LOVE WAVES to you all. Saleena Ki


Messages from our New Universe

"Together we IGNITE a New Reality”


Thank Marimar for the convenient Blog Index
which helps you find all the archived messages easier.

 Newest Messages




In case the links are broken:




GO American Revolution!
How I Got to Madison Wisconsin …a letter from Michael Moore

Someone had sent me a link to a discussion Bill O'Reilly had had with Sarah Palin a few hours earlier about my belief that the money the 21st Century rich have absconded with really isn't theirs — and that a vast chunk of it should be taken away from them. They were referring to comments I had made earlier in the week on a small cable show called GRITtv (Part 1 and Part 2  ). I honestly didn't know this was going to air that night (I had been asked to stop by and say a few words of support for a nurses union video), but I spoke from my heart about the millions of our fellow Americans who have had their homes and jobs stolen from them by a criminal class of millionaires and billionaires.  Read More



World Freedom Day-Declaration of Human Freedom with Omni-Dimensional Options

Inspiring Freedom Declaration!



Revolution of Consciousness – Astrological Energies



Intercontinental Solidarity – Support from All Over the World with ARMS WIDE OPEN!


People everywhere are getting it.

We have power to change things

and we are choosing to do this in

peaceful yet courageous and determined ways.


What will happen to us when we

overwhelm this Earth with our



23-Feb-2011 SaLuSa: The energy of Love is most powerful, and there is absolutely nothing it cannot achieve, as it is the ultimate power of all creation. Have faith in it even if you cannot see results straight away. Love has a way of softening the hardest hearts, and will overcome all negative energies. Let love be your guiding light. and give freely of it wherever and whenever you can.  Michael Quinsey


More New Messages


Join the Planetary Wave of Peace


Let’s Co-Create & Celebrate Freedom!

Avatar Inspiration:


We watched the movie, Avatar, again tonight. I find it such a passionately inspired message of how low the human spirit can go and how high it can finally rise. How all of creation can align to assist us in gaining our freedom from greed, inhumanness, exploitation and oppression, once we ask. When we are clear on what we desire, we can expect creation to align to help us create it. It shows how just one being can have a change of heart and assist in inspiring a whole planet in gaining their freedom. And how they won it.



Bathe in the Waves of Scrumptious Love-a-liscious & Solar Energies


Aluna Joy: The energy of LOVE that I am feeling

is so easy, gentle and effortless.

The Star Elders say that this is the
energy of the

new love

that is coming to the Earth.

It is a love that is as easy as breathing . . .

as easy as our heart beating.

It is a love that always has been,

and always will be,

but in some ways, it had

been lost in our world of duality.


This love is coming back to the world,

to our universe and to our hearts.


The Micro & the Macro: Part 1: “What is Happening on Earth and Throughout our Solar System at this Critical Time in Galactic History?”

I felt compelled to write today. To weave together three things that all seem significant and interrelated to me. The article got very long weaving them together and took me all day. So I am presenting it in two parts.


1st News of 02-11-2011: The Energies


2nd News
Great Cycle Ends & Begins a New One

and what an amazing way this day
has aligned to reflect this!


The Micro & the Macro: Part 2: What Can the Tunisian & Egyptian People’s Actions Tell Us About ALL OUR LIVES?”


"All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride legitimately, by the grace of God." Thomas Jefferson in this last letter before he died exactly 50 years after he signed The Declaration of Independence.





New Blog Pages


Belees and the Arcturians

I just posted a new page about Belees and the Arcturians and how they have influenced my life. This is only a beginning. The gift of their presence in our lives is immense and I am profoundly grateful to them. Belees is a wise and opened hearted being and one of my best friends now.




Ready for Contact

We ARE Ready to Change the World-sign petition


Earth Transformation Declaration

We, the individuals and groups participating in or supporting the Earth Transformation Movement are a body of concerned private citizens intending to transform the Earth in a sustainable, peaceful and life affirming manner by adopting a range of environmental, scientific, spiritual and political principles and practices.... Read More and Sign In....



Teleconferences: Guided Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventures – Information – Archives – Recordings – Click HERE


01-23-2011 GoldenStar Activation-Followup



Guest Book


Message Index


Upcoming Events


Blooming Humans

42 day program starts March 9th




Global Solar Wave

The Solar Wave a free-form global love-olution to help seed a new world. Each person has a personal choice and a spiritual responsibility on how they will participate in the Solar Wave. We each have a unique gift to send out into the world.


Equinox March 20, 2011


Remember to act locally, but think globally and galacticly.


Together we will create a 24 hour tidal wave of powerful, transforming, healing light rooting a positive vision for a brilliant future. This is YOUR TIME to put to action all the healing talents and spiritual truths you have taken such great care to learn and develop. Give the world ALL the LIGHT, LOVE and COMPASSION you have! Send your HEART out to humanity, the planet, and all life. Send your knowingness that paradise is here right now, and BE in the world as you want it to be. Use your highest, purest intentions, and remember that the truth is not out there . . . it is within YOU. As Gandhi said . . . "We must BE the change that we want to see in the world!" There is nothing more powerful than a unified group operating from the heart using the Earth's 24 hour solar cycle during the thinned veils of harmonizing Equinoxes.


We would like to focus on the SEEDING of a New World

and the fertilizer for this new garden of Paradise will be LOVE!



Read More

"We live in an age of prophecy,
during which humanity has the opportunity to re-awaken 
to timeless, inter-dependent relationship with the cosmos. 
Without a doubt, we are here at this special time 
to help fulfill an awesome and delicately orchestrated plan 
to align Earth with the cosmos 
and humanity with the universal heart. 
We are here to awaken to the full potential 
of being authentic, aware human beings. 
It is time to drop your cosmic remote control, 
get out of that visualization chair, 
and get to work. 
Spirit helps those who help themselves. 
Spirit works right NOW . . . 
not yesterday . . . not tomorrow. 
Quit watching what is going on and take action. 
Use your power to do something 
about the imbalances in your world." 
~ The Star Elders trough Aluna Joy





Vibrakey.com Pages to Visit

Keep up in with the latest in What’s New? on Vibrakeys.com

Enjoy exploring our newly updated Vibrakey THEMES page

Have you seen my Light Language Gallery?

Elixir of Love Special

Crystalline Stargate Trilogy-Art


Custom Offerings

Sessions & Readings - Custom Soul Art - Hi-Vibe Graphic Design

Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Sessions


Sharing Abundance


Another one of my desires for this next year is to be abundantly supported doing what I love the most. One of the things I love is writing and sharing with you about things that mean the most to me.


Are You Feeling Inspired? 


If you like what your read, if you get value from what we share, if you appreciate all the time it takes to craft these blog messages, to create a non-commercial atmosphere where we share all these weavings and messages with you to keep you informed and inspired, please consider an encouragement or love or appreciation donation. It is easy. If everyone donated even $1  that would begin to support us.  


Take action, Click HERE and follow the links.


To all those who have donated in the past, I extend my warmest appreciation. You've played a critical role in helping us to continue our work.




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