Spinning-StarS eNewz 01-23-2011
"The consciousness of your human and natural kingdoms who live upon, in and close-by Earth are going to start turning on like bright lights in a dark night encircling the Earth and viewable from space. To some, who are watching, your consciousness is seen as a light or in some cases no light.
The higher
your consciousness rises
The day will come, in the not too distant future, when the Earth will literally shine like a great Celestial Being, from our perspectives in space and to those who have the eyes to see.
I wanted to share this image with you so you can nurture it… imagine this to be so and focus on the lighting up of ALL consciousness on Earth allowing the timing to be natural in response to your intentions. You see, you create your own future by what you focus on now.
If you can
see this clearly, O1-23-2011 Invitation Sunday
Jan 23rd, 2011 10am
Hawaiian Time 8pm GMT $33 Journey to Regulus Star Portal with Colin
& Saleena as
your Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Guides to
receive your Gift from the Golden Star Beings. Click Below to Register. Not a convenient time for you to attend? If you
cannot join us live, register anyway and you will receive the recording
within 24 hours the live event to listen to at your convenience. Join us at
your optimum time. You will
receive a complimentary digital Journey Itinerary: Ø Meet in
our Heart. Ø Enter
the golden stream or river of light-energy. Ø Follow
it to the Star Portal of Regulus. Ø There at
the star portal-doorway we Ø Present
yourself to receive your gift. Ø We open
to anything else... Ø Journey
back on the Golden River. Ø Visit
the Living Grid and share
with her. Ø Send our
new energy into Mother Earth. What We Know About the Golden Star Beings & Their Gift: Saleena: These
star beings don't have faces… just a kind of star-like rayed halo around
their "heads…" When we journeyed there to meet them for the first
time, there were three of them... when we were approaching the portal I saw
several star being… literally "Star" Beings…
they remind me of elementals like the Sun beings we met… like Helios…. They
are hosts for this energy, they will present their energy gift at this star
portal. Colin: These
(the gift they gave us) are our transformers. They help us offer the energy
into the world at the appropriate frequency Saleena: They
are standing in the portal holding something each… at first I thought they
had candles…. Magical Colin: I hear 'staging post' like this is where we bring
the new energies in… Saleena: It
is something they want to give us… Message from the Golden Star Beings Saleena: As I woke Jan 16th, I heard, "There is a Golden Star Activation." Then I knew it had to do with
meeting at the Star Regulus Portal to receive something. "It's another new frequency to introduce into our bodies
and into our world," the Golden Star Beings say…
"Anyone can come here to this portal on the 23rd and receive theirs…
each one will bring it in in harmony with their own consciousness." Saleena: Why are you offering it to us now? They say it is simple like this; "Follow the golden stream and
meet us there to receive yours…." Golden Star Beings:
We are Stars, beyond the ones you have on your maps… beyond the ability to
see, even if you see with your telescopes farther now. We gathered together
our best gifts to offer humanity at such a crucial time. We combined them,
like you might call smelting or melting them all together. Yes, like Alchemy…
he would understand…." Saleena: They
point at you…Colin. Golden Star Beings: We now represent many Stars. As you would
understand "Spirits of Planets" like your Mother Earth, only we are
bright Sun Stars… We offer you something now
from the Thank you for receiving
our gift… sit with it… Invite all who desire our gift to make their way to us on the
23rd…. Magical Colin: ok,
why 23rd? Golden Star Beings: …of
Jan. This is the most potent time to receive it from us. The alignment
creates the greatest support and opening for our giving. The energies of
other planets and stars align in such a way to support our desires. Regulus is one of four Royal Stars considered to be sentinels watching
over other stars. Our Lion friends are hosting our gifting. We thank
you…and we thank you, Golden Star Beings in Earth suits. We are confident you
will make the invitation and bring others to receive our gift. Register HERE Now Click the
link below for the story of how we met them “There
is a Golden Star Activation” Jan 23rd – 2011 – Invitation Saleena: I encourage you to come have some fun with us as we learn more about how to journey-travel into the omni-dimensions. We see some amazing sights, meet wonderful beings & are able to serve as we do lightwork projects as they present themselves. Join with us as we journey into another Stargate together. Register Info & Link is HERE. When I first received my gift from the Golden Star Beings, I took it into BETH and I could see a beautiful warm golden liquid light moving quickly through her grid and beginning to move into the Earth through all the sacred sites and grid crossings. VK64 Inside BETH the
Living Super Consciousness Grid Note about Stargates & Portals: Because the energies of the opening portal-stargates are aligned with some potent origins & energies, this supports & amplifies any project you wish to create during this time. Stargates or Portals openings don’t just happen on one particular day and there is a peak day of their energies. It usually starts about two weeks before & last after for some weeks. Alignments can happen at exact moments, though. Information pours through them to inform our bodies & minds of what potential is next. Not a convenient time for you to attend? If you cannot join us live, register anyway and you will receive the recording within 24 hours the live event to listen to at your convenience. Join us at your optimum time. Much love to you all during these astonishing transformational times. Saleena Ki INCLUDED
IN THIS ISSUE: 01-23-2011
Golden Star Activation-Registration Monthly Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Journey. TeleJourney Jan 23rd, 2011: Register Here
Archive Recordings
of ALL Past Travel Adventures Available
Here Super Consciousness Living Grid: BETH:
01-23-11 Platinum Ray Wave of
Love: Free
I haven't got it posted tonight and I will tomorrow... Latest Blog Articles & Pages: Messages of our New Universe Enjoy & Purchase Saleena Ki’s Transformational Art: Vibrakeys to support your ascension into a omni-dimensional reality. New Codes, Keys, Light Language, Frequencies. Gifts co-created with Higher Light Beings for your multi-dimensional pleasure. Vibrakey Gallery , Fine Art Prints Transformational Art Prints Restructure your
Water! Delicious & Supportive Water Gallery, Many Water & Safe
Environment Kits, Elixir of Liquid Love
See the Golden Star Activation Message
listed HERE We created a Blog “Messages from our New Universe Together
we IGNITE a New Reality” Here
are some of our latest additions: Touching
you from the Depths of my Heart – 1 Year Anniversary for Blog Humanity’s
Anthem – Together We Change Our World Reality – Power of Storytellers A Call to Love
– Express Divine Love Multi
Universal Cosmic Fire about to Sweep the Earth – Full Moon Activation Sungazing
& the Heart; Nourishing with Light Jan
4th Solar Eclipse Photos & Interview – Estaryia Venus & Brian Sandy WELCOME
2011 Can You FEEL the NEW ENERGY? Rebirth Humanity Jan 4th
2011 Partial Solar Eclipse Photos Jan
4th 2011 – New Moon Solar Eclipse – Meteor Showers – USA Astrology –
Accentuate the Positive
and 2012 – introducing Maika Suneagle Solstice
OMM Wave – Use These Energies as We ENTER 2011 Comparing
12-21-2010 & 12-21-2012 Is This What We Have Been Waiting For? We Are Invited to Become Time Line Jumpers: Hathor MessageNew Blog Pages 01-23-2011
Golden Star Activation-Registration Crystalline
Stargate Trilogy-Art View From
Space: Slooh Space Camera Vibrakey.com Pages to Visit Keep up in with the latest in What’s New? on Vibrakeys.com Enjoy exploring our newly updated Vibrakey THEMES page Have you seen my Light Language Gallery? Custom Offerings Omni-Dimensional
Travel Adventure Sessions Sharing Abundance Another one of my desires for this next year is to be abundantly
supported doing what I love the most. One of the things I love is writing and sharing with you about
things that mean the most to me. Are You Feeling Inspired? If you
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