Spinning-StarS eNewz 12-12 12-20 12-21 12-22 2010 Eclipse - Winter Solstice Update 2 IMPORTANT MESSAGE-INVITATION “Something marvelous Help us co-create it! You
and your Mother Earth When this "line" is
crossed, and I am talking about space positions and the position of your
planet in alignment with other heavenly bodies and energies, Something marvelous is going to happen! The consciousness of your human and natural
kingdoms who live upon, in and close-by Earth are going to
start turning on like bright lights in a dark night encircling
the Earth and viewable from space.” Join us to Co-Create a Bright Wave of Love
in the Living Grid: 12-20/21/22
Bright Wave of Love: Free Planetary Meditation Creation Let’s Co-Create a Bright Light Wave of Love
in the Living Grid 12-20-21-22 – Belees GIVE LIFE CHANGING GIFTS: 1. Free Gift (value $28) if ordered before Jan 1, 2011 2. Free Gift (value $28) if Private Omni-Dimensional
Adventure Session is scheduled before Jan 1st 2011.
Session will be done after the 2011 New Year. Read
more HERE: Give a Meaningful Gift and Receive a Free
Gift Winter
Solstice Initiation Event: Winter Solstice – Sacred Union Initiation –
Webcast Invitation Ask your soul if this is for you….
There is a specific group who will receive this initiation and usher in this
new level of masculine-Feminine Balancing and Activation… I am excited to
Register HERE Saleena Ki’s 2010 Triple Stargate
Energy Update Reports 12-12/12-20 /12-21/12-22 12-12 12-12 Pineal Stargate3 Adventure-Follow-up Omni-Dimensional Learning & Travel
Adventure Journeys Recording & Stargate
Art: Purchase HERE 12-12 Related Messages: Belees, the Arcturian’s
Message -Stargate Pineal – It is Yours Take Control
and Use It! 12-12 Stargate 3 Journey
– Pineal Gland Activation – Message from Suzanna After 12-12 – Integrating New Levels of Light
– Being 5D – Arcturians – Pineal Gland 12-20/12-21/12-22 RARE FULL BLUE MOON Total LUNAR ECLIPSE Dec
20-21 Ushers in Winter Solstice Astrological-Energetic Report of Lunar
Eclipse-Winter Solstice-2012 Wonder free recording available!
Very interesting… Let’s Co-Create a Bright Light Wave of Love
in the Living Grid 12-20-21-22 – Belees Winter Solstice Initiation Event: Winter Solstice – Sacred Union Initiation –
Webcast Invitation Ask your soul if this is for you….
There is a specific group who will receive this initiation and usher in this
new level of masculine-Feminine Balancing and Activation… I am excited to
Triple Stargate Adventure
Package $66 until Jan 1,
2011 Archive Art & Recordings of ALL Past Learning & Travel
Adventures AvailableHERE Super Consciousness Living Grid: BETH: Latest Blog Articles & Pages: Messages of our New Universe Wonderful
Ways to Support Us So We Can Continue to Support YOU! Purchase or Commission Saleena Ki’s
Transformational Art: Free Gift if scheduled before Jan 1, 2011 Vibrakeys to support your ascension into a Omni-dimensional reality. New Codes, Keys, Light
Language, Frequencies. Gifts co-created with Higher Light Beings for your
multi-dimensional pleasure. Vibrakey Gallery , Fine Art Prints Transformational Art Prints Custom Hi-Vibe Graphic & Art Design Soul Portraits Restructure your Water! Delicious &
Supportive Water Gallery, Many Water & Safe Environment Kits, Elixir of Liquid Love Schedule a Personal Reading or Session: Free Gift if scheduled before Jan 1, 2011 Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Sessions Psychic-Intuitive-Energy Session Psychic-Intuitive Readings or Consulting Sublime Health Project with Support Package See all descriptions and prices Here: http://vibrakeys.com/sessions.html We Appreciate Donations: If you enjoy or benefit from what we share, please support us
with a generous donation. We offer you so much free support and messages to
inform you. It really does take a lot of time and effort to make these
message available for your pleasure and support. Thank you. Did you Know that 350-900 people a day come
to visit Messages from our New Universe to read, enjoy, learn and explore? If
you would donate $5 or even $1 can you imagine how supported and abundant
this would be for us? Creating and Writing this blog takes a grand amount of
time! Please consider supporting us with a generous abundant thank you:
Energies & Insights I am leaving this here
since we seem to be going from one potent stargate-portal
to the next this year: Energies of opening portal-stargates
are align with potent origins & energies. This supports & amplifies
any project you wish to create during this time. Stargates or Portals openings don’t just happen
on one particular day. It usually starts about two weeks before & last
after for some weeks. Alignments can happen at exact moments, though.
Information (codes - messages - energies) pour through them to inform our
bodies & minds of what potential is next in our evolution. 12-20-21-22 are going to be DEEP subconscious cleansing or clearing and an immediate boost
into your “New Life” action! Astrological-Energetic
Report of Lunar Eclipse-Winter Solstice-2012 Listen
to a wonderful recorded teleconference by Estaryia
and Brian Sandy who is
an Astrologer and Research Scientist into
the phenomena of Cosmo-genesis. Warm and informative! Did you know
the angle of our DNA is 72? I had a
feeling before 10-10-10 that the string of portal days coming was going to weave
together another major shift for us. As I began to work with the 11-11 energies, I noticed that
there was a kind of buzz around this energy. Energies have been flowing from 9-9
to 10-10-10 to 11-11 to 12-12 in a bridged sequence of galactic creational
movements that we all can feel. It is like our new reality symphony! What we
started on 9-9 ,10-10-10 and 11-11 all paving the
way for what we are experienced as the 12-12 stargate-portal
opens. It is leading the way to continue to the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse starting 12-20 here is Hawaii and leading quickly
into the 12-21 and 12-22 Winter
Solstice Energies. This is only the opening door for a brand new
long cycle and the ushering in of 2011 and the 2012 Events. Check either one
of these Messages for location times: RARE FULL BLUE MOON
Total LUNAR ECLIPSE Dec 20-21 Ushers in Winter Solstice Astrological-Energetic
Report of Lunar Eclipse-Winter Solstice-2012 Fast Forward – Total
Lunar Eclipse – Winter Solstice – Star Maps POTENT PEACOCK FULL BLUE
MOON Associated with Pleiades On 9-9 we enter the first stargate and planted the seeds we want to sprout in our
Paradise Reality. Wonderful Alchemical process facilitated by the Creator
Whales and a visit to Mother Earth’s Pineal Gland to place them. Wonderful
inspiring vision co-created by all of us of our New Reality read by Marimar.
You can continue to participate anytime: 9-9 Prepare to Plant your New Earth
SEEDs-Ongoing On 10-10 we visit the Hall
of Records and received a golden scroll with our personal Akashic records.
Since that time we have been remembering who we are and where we've been. We
have seen the lifetimes of mastery, wisdom, knowledge, gifts and
talents. 10-10-10 Crystalline Stargate ONE Adventure Follow-up On 11-11 we meet the new
Paradise Earth Overseeing Elemental, unhook from the old fear-based
matrix, reconnect to BENEVOLENT Source, We will enter the Stargate
and visit our Crystalline Master Selves and together write the scripts for
our new, evolving reality. Here we will reset our new reality and selves to
the ABUNDANCE Paradigm. We will proclaim the unique gifts we choose to
contribute as we co-create Paradise. 11-11 Follow-up; Living
Abundance – Clear the Cache – Being Clear On 12-12 we
enter into the Living Grid and weave in our newest exciting projects to
co-create our new reality. Then we are lead by Belees
and the Arcturians, along with some other groups, fly through the Sun, then
to free ourselves from an ancient filter-quarantine. Then we are lead to a
powerful activation to free ourselves to control our own pineal gland stargate and begin the process of learning to use it. We
graduate from architects of our new Reality to Builders. Learning to take off
the old and dawn the newest! 12-12 Pineal Stargate3 Adventure-Follow-up Remember we are still in the Chaotic Node According to the Hathor's
we are in a chaotic node. They are powerful, intense and periods of time when
SUPER SHIFT can occur. A time when major changes will take place. Nothing
escapes a chaotic node and you guessed it, they can feel CHAOTIC! We just
entered one the first of October that is lasting until the end of November.
This is only the beginning of an increase in their visiting frequency until
2012, which is almost a full year of being a chaotic node. Read more about
them in my message: What is a Chaotic Node,
Parallel Realities & Universes & How Do We Navigate Them? Since we are in a chaotic node, we might as well expect we can
make super shifts... so... Are You Ready for a SUPER SHIFT? Are you ready to create a Bright Light Wave of Love, sending it around our planet and visible from space? Belees shares a short and potent invitation that is very
timely: Let’s Co-Create a Bright Light Wave of Love
in the Living Grid 12-20-21-22 – Belees Learning New Parameters We have
crossed into some powerful new levels of dimensions that have new parameters &
Universal Laws that
inform them. We have the opportunity to now learn to live & function in
these new dimensions, higher frequencies & ground them into our bodies
& then ground ourselves into the new reality. Our bodies have had some
interesting challenges & symptoms throughout this time. Lauren Gorgo always has funny and potent things to say about
this: 12:12 & The Return to Love- Arcturus “The Rules” have changed: Read David
Wilcock’s intriguing series of November Blog articles at Divine Cosmos: China's
October Surprise II: Earth's "Quarantine" Has Lifted This relates to our 10-10-10 Crystalline Stargate
One Adventure about Galactic Severance. 10-10-10 Triple Crystalline Portal & Stargate Opening – Energies & Insights Integration & Further Activations The
energies have shifted this month. I still can't say I am
returning to "normal" because I don't think that will ever happen.
I can say that I feel like I am beginning to integrate these new energies. I
did want to share that when I went through the unhooking process I was able
to disconnect my DNA from the old fear-based matrix. A great team of beings
stood by and supported me as I did this. When the reconnection occurred to myBENEVOLENT Higher Self and then to BENEVOLENT Source, I felt a phenomenal
shift. I felt relief, excitement and I knew this was the key event I was waiting for! This was added to by the Pineal Gland Activation lead by the
Arcturians; First Breaking away a very old ancient quarantine-filter, then
burning off more of those old subconscious programs, thus clearing the
subconscious cache even deeper! Since
then, I have felt more grounded and solid. I thought as I rose into the higher dimensions I would
feel more etheric. I feel more "solid" and here. I feel more
peaceful and trusting in the flow of the miracles of life in this body on
Earth at this time. I feel an inner joyfulness and appreciation for my life.
I have a wonderful life! I am glad I am here! Abundance Paradigm In the New Energies This last bit of 2010 has brought up in me a terrific urge to
totally change my life! I am ready to live my life in a brand new way. To do
whatever it takes to shift my relationship with the New Universe. I know that some of
this is coming up because of the energies aligning. It seems to permeate my
consciousness! I can’t help it. One question arose as we as a team went through the unhooking
and reconnection process; What happens to money if it is connected into the old matrix? How will my
economics go if I still live in the old matrix system and am unhooked from
it? So that is one thing we have been focused on. I discovered a few things to help and I am working on these. One
amazing thing I discovered was why I wouldn’t let myself use all the amazing
tools I already have. Why I procrastinate and don’t do what would ultimately
lead to a more abundant life. I will write more about this as the new year
moves in… This is a great link to some information from Joe Vitale that helped me
understand where I need to go from here to change the experience I am having
with finances, money, resources and how it comes to me within the reality I
create. To learn more about the Abundance Paradigm. Click HERE. To do the Clearing: Click HERE. The Sun’s Portal We will did some powerful work with this in the 12-12 Stargate. One of my intentions is to clear my
subconscious in a clean sweep of all the counter intentions we have been fed
in the old matrix. I have asked my BENEVOLENT Higher Self for help with this.
During our 12-12 Adventure, Belees and the Arcturians led the way as we flew
through the Sun’s Portal and used the power of the Sun to BURN away more of
the old. Here is a Transformational Art piece
I created to assist with this process: you can see it HERE: Belees, the Arcturian’s Message -Stargate
Pineal – It is Yours Take Control and Use It! I am getting more and more interested
in EATING the SUN… I will talk more of this as the New
Year of 2011 moves in…. Gifts from Belees & the Arcturians Saleena: Belees and I seem to be working
more and more together. Right before the 12-12 he asked if we could merge so
leading us through the Pineal Gland Activation would be easier and more
direct. After he asked if we could stay this way to learn some new things
from each other. He said anytime I wanted him to leave, he would. I am
enjoying his close presence and looking forward to more of his wisdom and
gifts. He is warm, fun and loving. He always shares with such profound
insight. Thank you, Belees! Calling Inventors Are you working on
a new
invention or some new technology that will help us shift into a sustainable reality? Belees, the
Arcturian, offers an invitation to those working with inventions or new
technologies to connect with a newly
assembled support team called FTTCC. Belees’ Formula 2010-12-11 I want to show you something now.
This is a formula that will unlock something and that something is to be
discovered by you. (talking to humans) I will show Saleena how to draw it. It
isn't all Earth symbols. Yet it will be understood and translated eventually. Saleena: I am drawing what he is
showing me.. . Okay, I drew it… something that looks
like a cursive a with a round curly tail then a line
with two circles on each side. A short line at the top of the long line with
an upside down "V" that hangs past the short line… none of these
are touching each other. Then the mirrored opposite of the first curve a.
Under it from the center point of the "a" to the center point of
the opposite "a" is a "U" shape or like a container. It
is filled with lines and dots and wavy snake like symbols. Reminds me of something
you would see under a microscope. What shall I do with this? Belees: When you post my
message, please make a picture of this to share. Those who need it, who are
ready for this will be guided to find it at the right moment. That is all for
now about this. Thank you You can see it Here: 12-12 Bright Light Wave of Love in the Living Grid FREE Monthly MEDITATION CREATION If you are excited to do whatever you can to assure your life
evolves into one where we live together peacefully, sustainably, healthily,
respectfully you can join us to co-create an energy wave packed with all the
things you desire in your new reality. This message shares many ideas and
inspiration to help you inspire you to identify & focus what you want for
your new reality. Then open your heart and move into BETH, the living super
consciousness grid and send it through her grid and around the Earth, then
into the new crystalline heart of Mother Earth and bring it back into your
heart. It is actually very simple. You can do this anytime. During the peak
times of the portal and stargate day the energy is
amplified. See you there riding these Three Powerful Portal Days! Let’s Co-Create a Bright Light Wave of Love
in the Living Grid 12-20-21-22 – Belees Wave of Love in the Living Grid FYI Our New Universe is Almost 1 Year Old 12-25 Portal of Love: Announcing the Birth of
a New Universe! So much love & aloha flowing to you all during these
astonishing transformational times. Saleena Ki Your are invited to join us now for any of
our Saleena: I Thank My wonderful Team for ALL the AMAZING Times we Have C0-Create! This includes all the Higher
Dimensional Friends and Family who joined us and shared so many fun &
potent Adventures & opportunities.
Travel Adventure Journey is meant to be FUN & Activational &
includes: An Expanded Views discussion looking
at current events and how our lightwork has
effected what has happened in our reality. A journey into the Heart then into
BETH to weave our dreams, desires and intentions into our New Reality. Journeys to amazing Omni-dimensional
places to expand our skills in navigating the multi-dimensions. Meetings with Higher Dimensional
Beings who offer their services, wisdom, guidance
& friendship in the most amazing ways. New Skills, Activations and
Initiations. Invitations to return and continue to
practice and explore. Once you journey to any place-space
you usually can return. The Recording and Art offers a bridge back to the
experience and energy of all we originally encounter. The Vibrakeys and Transformational
Art help you connect back to the energies easily and continue the activations
and connections. All our
Journeys, Related Messages and Art is Found HERE ARE YOU READY for a SUPER SHIFT? Here Are Some Reasons to Join Our Journeys: Meet BETH, the Living Grid. Weave your dreams or projects into the Living Mandala there. Learn where the Temple of Anuenue
Rainbow is and meet new friends there. Have fun exploring the different Hydrological System
Rooms: Learn to read Higher Dimensional Artifacts. Meet the newly birthed Paradise Earth Elemental Overseer. Experience Mother Earth’s new Crystalline Heart. Meet and interact with a myriad of Councils, Groups and Guides. Fly through our Sun. Unhook from the Old Fear Based Grid Re-connect with your Benevolent Higher Self Align & begin the process of re-structuring your New DNA View our New Reality by visiting the Help script the new reality. Meet new friends, a Siren, a Creator Whale Explore the 2010 Triple Stargates: Clear paths for deeper reception of newest codes from beyond
Source 10-10
Crystalline Stargate Mandala Connect with the newest codes as they unpack into our reality. What is BENEVOLENT
RE-Connection; What is in it for YOU? Journey into a Stargate. Activate your
Pineal. 12-12 Pineal Stargate 3 - Break Free *Event Frequency Art Specials 2010 Triple Stargate Adventure
Package Join us in a triad sequence of Stargate
Journeys; $66 If purchased before Jan 1, 2011 You will Receive: 3 Recordings & 3 Digital Stargate
Mandalas 10-10-10 StarGate ONE - Galactic
Severance 11-11
Crystalline Stargate 2 - BENEVOLENT Reconnection AdventureUnhook from old Fear-Based Grid-Matrix - Reconnect
to your purest BENEVOLENT Higher Self and BENEVOLENT Source - Experience the
newest New Codes unpacking into our Reality - Travel through Sun’s Portal Join us
for a profound process of freeing ourselves from the last vestiges of the old
fear-based matrix. 11-11 Adventure offers us an opportunity to choose a major
shift as unhook from the old matrix and reconnect to a new level. We learn
together about how to journey-travel into the omni-dimensions.
Join with us as we link up in the new living grid & then journey into the
StarGate together. 12-12
Pineal Stargate 3 - Beak Free! Adventure Learn More or
Purchase HERE We created a Blog “Messages from our New Universe Together we IGNITE a
New Reality” Here are some of our latest additions: What is BENEVOLENT
RE-Connection; What is in it for YOU? Have some Fun…Are you
Having Fun? Wonderous Delightful Gifts of De-Light-en UP! What is a Chaotic Node,
Parallel Realities & Universes & How Do We Navigate Them?
You are invited to
continue to prepare your seeds for the kind of New Paradise Earth you would
like & place them into the Alchemical womb here: 9-9 Prepare to Plant
your New Earth SEEDs The Creator Whales are caring for them until it is time for another planting.
It is up to us to shape our New Paradise Earth. This is an ongoing process. We Are Invited to Become
Time Line Jumpers: Hathor Message Practice Practice Practice... See all Messages Indexed HERE New or Updated Blog Pages Crystalline Stargate Trilogy-Art 4-4 Meet BETH-Living Super Consciousness
Grid-Follow-up 5-5 Sheaba’s
Gift-Pleasure & Passion-Follow-up 6-6 Exploring Crystalline Energies-Follow-up 7-7 SOL DANCING into our SUN-Follow-up 8-8 Lifting Mother Earth Follow-up 9-9 Prepare to Plant your New Earth
SEEDs-Ongoing 10-10-10 Crystalline Stargate
ONE Adventure Follow-up 11-11 Stargate2-Benevolent ReConnection-Follow-up 12-12 Pineal Stargate3 Adventure-Follow-up Wave of Love in the Living Grid Useful Techniques & Tools – Links Keep up in with the latest in What’s New? on Vibrakeys.com Custom Offerings Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Sessions Sharing Abundance Assist us to be able to keep the messages coming & offering
more to you. You can now Manage your Subscription Online You will receive future Newz
announcements if you subscribe. You can unsubscribe easily. http://lists.vibrakeys.com/listserv/info/ssnewz Forwarding our eNewZ Announcement Please feel free to forward this on to other friends that might
be interested. Note: Sometimes the hyperlinks disappear in the forwarding. Please use a Quote, an article or any of the graphics; We love to be shared, promoted & advertised as long as you
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