Spinning-StarS eNewz 11-11-2010 11-11 Crystalline Stargate Opening BENEVOLENT Re-Connection INCLUDED IN
THIS ISSUE: Saleena Ki's 11-11
Energy Update Report
11-11 Event: 11-11-10
Stargate Adventure- BENEVOLENT ReConnection Registration
Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Journey. Webinar
October 10th, 2010: Register Here New feature offered:
Webcast online listening.
Archive Recordings of ALL Past Travel Adventures Available Here Super Consciousness Living Grid: BETH:
11-11-10 Wave of Love: Free Planetary
Meditation Creation
Super Shift Wave of Love – Benevolent ReConnection in the Living Grid
Latest Blog Articles & Pages: Messages of our New Universe Wonderful Ways to Support Us So We Can
Support YOU! Purchase or Commission Saleena Ki’s Transformational Art: Vibrakeys
to support your ascension into a omni-dimensional reality. New Codes, Keys,
Light Language, Frequencies. Gifts co-created with Higher Light Beings for
your multi-dimensional pleasure. Vibrakey Gallery , Fine Art Prints Transformational Art
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Design Soul Portraits Restructure your
Water! Delicious & Supportive Water Gallery, Many Water & Safe
Environment Kits, Elixir of Liquid Love
Schedule a Personal
Reading or Session: Omni-Dimensional
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Health Project with Support Package See
all descriptions and prices Here: http://vibrakeys.com/sessions.html We Appreciate Donations:
If you enjoy or benefit from what we share, please
support us with a generous donation. We offer you so much free support and
messages to inform you. It really does take a lot of time and effort to make
these message available for your pleasure and support. Thank you.
Introduction to Portals & StarGate Energies & Insights Energies of opening
portal-stargates are align with potent origins & energies. This supports
& amplifies any project you wish to create during this time. Stargates or
Portals openings don’t just happen on one particular day. It
usually starts about two weeks before & last after for some weeks.
Alignments can happen at exact moments, though. Information (codes - messages
- energies) pour through them to inform our bodies & minds of what potential
is next in our evolution. We are about to enter Thurs 11-11-10 is another powerful alignment &
stargate. I had a feeling before 10-10-10 that the string of portal days coming was going to weave together another major shift for us. As I began to work with the 11-11 energies, I noticed that there was a kind of buzz around this energy. Energies have been flowing from 9-9- to 10-10-10 to 11-11 to 12-12 in a bridged sequence of galactic creational movements that we all can feel. It is like our new reality symphony! What we started on 9-9 and 10-10-10 has paved the way for what we are experiencing as the 11-11 stargate-portal opens now. On 9/9 we entered the stargate and planted the seeds we want to sprout in our Paradise Reality. On 10/10 we visited the Hall of Records and received a golden scroll with our personal Akashic records. Since that time we have been remembering who we are and where we've been. We have seen the lifetimes of mastery, wisdom, knowledge, gifts and talents. On 11/11 we will meet the new Paradise Earth Overseeing Elemental, unhook from the old fear-based matrix, reconnect to BENEVOLENT Source, We will enter the Stargate and visit our Crystalline Master Selves and together write the scripts for our new, evolving reality. Here we will reset our new reality and selves to the ABUNDANCE Paradigm. We will proclaim the unique gifts we choose to contribute as we co-create Paradise. Chaotic
Nodes According to the Hathor's we are in a chaotic node. They
are powerful, intense and periods of time when SUPER SHIFT can occur. A time
when major changes will take place. Nothing escapes a chaotic node and you
guessed it, they can feel CHAOTIC! We just entered one the first of October
that is lasting until the end of November. This is only the beginning aof an
increase in their visiting frequency until 2012, which is almost a full year
of being a chaotic node. Read more about them in my message: What is a Chaotic Node, Parallel Realities & Universes & How Do We Navigate Them? Since
we are in a chaotic node, we might as well expect we can make super shifts...
so... Are
You Ready for a SUPER SHIFT? Invitation to Journey If so, I hope you will join us for a profound process of freeing ourselves from the last vestiges of the old fear-based matrix. 11-11 will offer us an opportunity to choose a major shift as unhook from the old matrix and reconnect to a new level. We learn together about how to journey-travel into the omni-dimensions. We see amazing sights, meet wonderful beings & are able to serve as we do lightwork projects as they present themselves. Join with us as we link up in the new living grid & then journey into the Stargate together. Register Info & Link is HERE. Frequency
Art Co-create
with Me Last month we co-created a 10-10-10 Stargate Mandala. I felt like there would be another one that would build on the energies we brought in last month. I am having a wonderful experience channeling in a series of 7 discs full of levels and levels of codes. The golden codes we saw coming inn before 10-10 were the first glimpse of these. When I went through the unhooking and the reconnection to BENEVOLENT Source, I felt it clearing the way for the reception of the fullness of these codes. Now they are "unpacking" so they can be anchored into our new reality. I am hoping to share my artistic process with you on one of the next blog messages. You can order the 11-11 Stargate Mandala for a special event price when you register (which is left online for a month so if you miss it live you can get the recording & mandala) Later you can purchase the recording after it is posted in our archives. Learning
New Parameters We have crossed into some powerful new levels of dimensions that have new parameters & Universal Laws that inform them. We have the opportunity to now learn to live & function in these new dimensions, higher frequencies & ground them into our bodies & then ground ourselves into the new reality. Our bodies have had some interesting challenges & symptoms throughout this time. Integrating The energies have shifted
this month. I can't say I am returning to
"normal" because I don't think that will ever happen. I can say
that I feel like I am beginning to integrate these new energies. I did want
to share that when I went through the unhooking process I was able to
disconnect my DNA from the old fear-based matrix. A great team of beings
stood by and supported me as I did this. When the reconnection occurred to my
Higher Self and then to BENEVOLENT Source, I felt a phenomenal
shift. I felt relief, excitement and I knew this was the key event I was waiting for! Since then, I have felt more grounded and solid. I thought as I rose into the higher dimensions I would feel more etheric. I feel more "solid" and here. I feel more peaceful and trusting in the flow of the miracles of life in this body on Earth at this time. I feel an inner joyfulness and appreciation for my life. I have a wonderful life! I am glad I am here! Abundance
Paradigm In
the New Energies One question arose as we as a team went through the unhooking and reconnection process; What happens to money if it is connected into the old matrix? How will my economics go if I still live in the old matrix system and am unhooked from it? so that is one thing we have been focused on. I discovered a few things to help and we will talk about that during our 11-11 Webinar Adventure. This is a great link to some information from Joe Vitale that helped me understand where I need to go from here to change the experience I am having with finances, money, resources and how it comes to me within the reality I create. To learn more about the Abundance Paradigm. Click HERE. To do the Clearing: Click HERE. We will be doing some work with this in the stargate. One of the ways is to clear our subconscious in a clean sweep all the counter intentions we have been fed in the old matrix. I have asked our BENEVOLENT Guides for our journey if they will assist us with this. Join us to find out if we did... 11-11
Super Shift Wave of Love in the
Living Grid FREE
Monthly MEDITATION CREATION If you are excited to do whatever you can to assure your life evolves into one where we live together peacefully, sustainably, healthily, respectfully you can join us to co-create an energy wave packed with all the things you desire in your new reality. This message shares many ideas and inspiration to help you inspire you to identify & focus what you want for your new reality. Then open your heart and move into BETH, the living super consciousness grid and send it through her grid and around the Earth, then into the new crystalline heart of Mother Earth and bring it back into your heart. It is actually very simple. You can do this anytime. During the peak times of the portal and stargate day the energy is amplified. See you there. 11-11 Super Shift Wave of Love – Benevolent Re-Connection in the Living Grid Calling
Inventors Are you working on a new invention or some new technology that will help us shift into a sustainable reality? Belees, the Arcturian, offers an invitation to those working with inventions or new technologies to connect with a newly assembled support team called FTTCC. One
Fun Aside About Aloha & Arcturians. Often when Colin and I are checking in on the energies and what we are going to do, we feel Belees or the A-Team (Arcturians) come in. Because I live in Hawaii and I understand the significance of the sound "aloha" I greet them this way. Aloha Belees. Eventually he began to greet us back with aloha. I was reading another message Acturian Group - 28 October 2010 through Marilyn Raffaelle and was amused when they ended with ”We say “Aloha” to all. (New word for us.)" I had to giggle since I reckon I know where they got that word from! So much love & aloha flowing to you all during these astonishing transformational times. Saleena Ki
What is BENEVOLENT RE-Connection; What is in it for YOU? 11-11 Stargate Travel Adventure – Benevolent Re-Connection – Webinar Invitation 11-11 Crystalline Masters & Akashic Records of Creation Your are invited to join our 11-11-10
Crystalline Stargate Adventure We extend the invitation &
opportunity for you of our 10am HST, 1pm PDT, 4pm EDT Register: www.RealityCrafting.com/Beth When you attend this Webinar Event you will:
Direct: www.RealityCrafting.com/Beth Information: 11-11-10 Stargate Adventure- BENEVOLENT ReConnection RegistrationARE
Are Some Reasons to Join Our Journey: Meet BETH, the Living Grid. Meet the newly birthed Paradise Earth Elemental Overseer Unhook from the Old Fear Based Grid Re-connect with your Benevolent Higher Self Align & begin the process of re-structuring your New DNA Clearing paths for deeper reception of newest codes from beyond Source (see new codes in Help co-create the new 11-11 Stargate Mandala Connect with the newest codes as they unpack into our reality. Journey into the Stargate. View our New
Reality by visiting the Meeting your own Crystalline Master Self. Help script the new reality. RIDE the energy
waves created by many other events & energies *Event Frequency
Art Special 11-11 Crystalline Stargate Mandala for $11.11 11-11-10 Crystalline Stargate Frequency
Mandala This is going to be a “Soul Portrait” or “energy signature” of the 11-11-10 energies. During the 10-10-10
journey we anchored in these amazing new codes from Beyond Source that began
clearing the way for a string of events to occur through 12-12. During the
Journey I will be watching for energies. Then I will add these & anything
else I am inspired to add, to the mandala. This is one of the ways Vibrakeys are co-created. Then we
will send you a link as soon as it is available to download. *If you want the downloadable 11-11-10 Crystalline Stargate
Mandala, choose that option when you register. Not a
convenient time for you to attend? If you cannot join us
live, register anyway and you will receive the recording within 24 hours the
live event to listen to at your convenience. Register Direct!: www.RealityCrafting.com/Beth You can enjoy it as
computer wallpaper or desktop, upload it to your iphone, ipod, Blackberry or
other electronic devices, print it, or use it on your non commercial blog. Meditate
into it. Play into the design with your imagination. Let it take you into new
energies. The energies & activation of the event will continue to bathe
you for as long as you like to keep yourself exposed to it. The idea is that
you will eventually incorporate it into your system. This is how all the Vibrakeys work. 10-10-10 Stargate Mandala is still available as a download for $10.10 It is available as a Vibrakey at the regular price & formats. VK68 10-10-10 Crystalline Stargate
ONE We created a Blog “Messages from our New Universe Together
we IGNITE a New Reality” Here
are some of our latest additions: What is BENEVOLENT RE-Connection; What is in it for YOU? 11-11 Crystalline Masters & Akashic Records of Creation 11-11
Super Shift Wave of Love – Benevolent Re-Connection in the Living Grid What is a Chaotic Node, Parallel Realities & Universes & How Do We Navigate Them? *10-10-10 Followup – Invitation from FTTCC – Belees From Belees, the Arcturian: Full of many reminders of the times we are in and what we can focus on with the new energies. There is an invitation for those working with inventions or new technologies to work with a newly assembled support team. Activate the Pineal – Crystal Palace Within & Open the Halls of Amenti Halls of Amenti-Final Instruction Even though this event is over, it is a potent expereince to participate in the activation of your Crystal Palace (pineal gland) and listen to the Hathor's sound activation gift through Tom Kenyon. This may be where I began the process of reconnecting to my BENEVOLENT Higher Self. During the 10-10-10 Journey, we visited the Halls of Amenti and received our own personal key to our own records.