Spinning-StarS eNewz 09-09-2010 Prepare & Grow Paradise Earth
Together Thurs 9-9 is another There are many ways to participate in
the creation of our New Earth, New Reality: Your are invited to join our Paradise Garden Party We will gather our Seeds & take them
into BETH Here is your
invitation & my SEEDs: 9-9 Planting our Paradise Garden of the New Earth-Invitation Here is how
you Prepare your SEEDs & place it in the alchemical container the Creator
Whales are tending: Do this before the call. You can see others SEEDs here in the
comment section. 9-9 Prepare to Plant your New Earth SEEDsHere is where you REGISTER for the
Teleconference Call: 9:9 Teleconference Adventure InvitationHere are some new messages:
Contact Happening Now – Belees – 9-9 Message 1You Create Paradise Earth – Serapis Bey – 9-9 Message 2SEEDSPlant your Seeds: Message from the Council of OMor Join in creating the Wave of Love at
9:09am or 9-09pm to move the energy of the New Paradise Earth around the
Earth Wave of Love in the Living GridINCLUDED
9-9 Wave of Love: Plant the
Paradise Garden of New Earth September 9th, 2010 at 9:09am & 9:09pm Your Local Time or anytime during this day.
Planting our Paradise Garden of the New Earth-Invitation
Teleconference September 9th, 2010 @
6:30pm Pacific Time: Register Here
Gratitude & Appreciation Donations
co-create a Wave
of Love 9-9
by Planting the Seeds of a New Paradise
Earth Together We
are the ONES dreaming in & growing a Free
for everyone to participate everywhere in the world! Every month on powerful portal days we invite you to
join together in the Living Grid NOTE:
This Month I include information for both the Wave of Love Meditation 9-9 Wave of Love: Planting our
have many New Features on our So
many new Vibrakeys birthed in I can hardly keep up with them: See What’s New? or
the Birthing Gallery to enjoy them. New Offerings Many Messages from the Whales on their Theme Page VK43 Primal Creation;
Meet the Creator Whales
Projects - Lightwork Event
Calendar Transformational Art Gallery Click
for all the new art in this Gallery
Vibrakey Galleries: Living Alchemy - WhalesLearn Alchemy
Applied to Life Hosted by the Whales. With this Source Creator Tool, learn to define a Space where you consciously create with pure Alchemical Ingredients. For example: Create a Sacred Relationship container. Define it (instructions on the backside of this Vibrakey) then go there for help and support when you are challenged. The alchemical action is released in behalf of this and assists you there. This is the Alchemical Container where we are placing our seeds to grow our new Paradisiacal Earth - our Higher dimensional New Reality. Learn more
& purchase HERE Water Art
Gallery - Codes
& Glyph Art - Crop Circle Art We are SO VERY EXCITED we can now offer so much more from us to you Custom Offerings: Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure SessionsLife
Changing – FUN – Educational – Deep Healing
Journey with Saleena & Marimar, as your omni-dimensional Travel Agent-Guides, along with all our higher dimensional friends; SARA Medical Team, Arcturians, Angels & more, into the dimensional landscapes of your soul.
Your Price: $333 includes a 2+ hour session with Saleena & Marimar & includes: a hand written transcript with drawings & the 2 single card Vibrakeys you most need to support your soul’s transformational theme. In person, by phone or Skype. Long distant phone charges are extra. Sharing
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