Spinning-StarS eNewz
Planting our Paradise Garden of the
New Earth

Let’s utilize the Power of the 9-9
You Are Invited to
Co-Create our Paradise Earth
Now to Plant Seeds & Grow a New Reality!
Now is a crucial time of
We have crossed a line,
a point of no return to the old ways,
the old world…
On 8-8 we Lifted the Earth
& thus ourselves & all of creation
to a new level of consciousness.
We created a new Merged EartHeart
Astrologically speaking,
everything is aligned to support us
to make great evolutionary movement
in creating a new world, a new reality now.
Whatever you spend
your time
thinking about & imagining
becomes reality.

Time to Create our
Dream Seeds
Place them in an
Alchemical Womb
to gestate

Do this Right
Read More:
Planting our Paradise Garden of the New Earth-Invitation
Monthly Wave of Love n the
Living Grid Meditation-Creation
9-9 Wave of Love:
Plant the Paradise Garden of New Earth
9th, 2010 at 9:09am & 9:09pm Your Local Time or anytime during this day.
Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Journey.
Teleconference September 9th, 2010 @
6:30pm Pacific Time: Register Here
Archive Recordings of ALL Past Travel Adventures Available
New Heart Inner-Net: BETH:
Learn More, Use the Grid for your own Projects
Latest Blog Articles: Messages of our New Universe
Vibrakeys to support you as we
rise to a new level & enter a new Consciousness of Living on Earth. Vibrakey Gallery , Fine Art Prints Transformational Art
For Happy Healthy Water! Water Gallery,
Many Water & Safe
Environment Kits, Elixir of Liquid Love
for the best water ever!

co-create a
of Love
by Planting the Seeds of a New Paradise
Earth Together
are the ONES dreaming in & growing a
New Level of Consciousness so our daily lives will reflect
a new way of Life together on Mother Earth…

for everyone to participate everywhere in the world!
Every month on powerful portal days we invite you to
join together in the Living Grid
& create our new Earth the way we desire it.
This Month I include information for both the Wave of Love Meditation
& the Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure in the same message:
For optimum time begin at 9:09am or 9:09pm your local time
& in a multi-dimensional reality you can intend
anything you like
& join when it is convenient.
If you are unfamiliar with
BETH; the Super Consciousness Living Grid
Click the link above or
see links below and familiarize
yourself with her before you start
as you will enter the
grid first then

& Create
as you
fill the wave with the images & feelings of the Reality you Desire.
Go to the Full Message
for the all the
hotlinks, actions & information

When you are ready you will go into
BETH to create the Wave of Love:

More About Her Here
New Living Super Consciousness Grid
is an Ongoing Project
Feel free
to enter & energize, work with & explore BETH at anytime!
The more we use her
the stronger we will all grow together;
the sooner we will
have the Reality we Desire.
The power of all of
us consciously focusing together
is what will create
a kind of bonding fusion
between our
consciousness & the Grid.
is a few examples of how we cooperate with her
to augment our Lightwork & Play:
Many are gathering in BETH and
hanging their creations, their dreams, their visions like radiant crystalline
dew drops throughout the living grid fibers. They are now there alive &
sparkling in all the new lovelight and energy flowing from the Creational
Cosmos to the Earth and us.
you can weave in your projects
ask for assistance
meditate and explore
travel the grid around the Earth
to visit anywhere
do lightwork
communicate & co-create
with many higher dimensional beings
councils, etc.
& all Nature is connected into her
so communications of all kinds
are easier here.
Theme Page
9-9 Planting our Paradise Garden of the New

for the current event
If you are
unable to attend, register anyway & receive the recording;
All Archive
Recordings are available HERE.

Join us for an
Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Journey
into the
BETH, our New Super Consciousness Living Grid
Teleconference Thurs September 9th, 2010 at 6:00pm
Pacific Time

Kí, Colin
Whitby , Suzanna Kennedy & Lanny Sinkin
as your
Creation & Travel Adventure Guides

Planting our Paradise Garden of the
New Earth
September 9th, 2010 at 6:00pm Pacific Time
Register Here
for Teleconference
A recording of will be available
so you can join us anytime.
Explore, Bond & Co-Create in BETH
Come Play with us in the
New Heart-Based Telepathic Communications InnerNet

VK64 Inside BETH
Join us for a Guided Journey to
Stabilize & Activate!
as Creator Gods
co-creating a New Reality
& most of all Have Fun
into multi-dimensions to
LightPlay together!
This is our time to have fun
learning omni-dimensional skills together.

Register Here
for Teleconference
***If page is unavailable email me***
A recording of will be
Things You May do Before the Teleconference
Use the Circular Rainbow Visualization Everyday to
Stabilize Read

If you haven’t been into her before,
please familiarize yourself with basics first:
Learn more About
BETH Super
Consciousness Grid Page HERE
all Stories & Articles HERE
System is Online; Beth: Use Her: Assembly of Earth Councils
Listen to the
Recordings from our first Teleconference:
* Meeting Kilabetha aka Beth: Heart InnerNet – Introduction
(mp3 download, 63 minutes)
* Heart InnerNet – Journey Into Grid (mp3 download, 50
For more details about
the Grid System:
Earth Grid; Higher Communications System: MaRi Magdalene
Planetary, Galactic, Universal, Creational Heart – Mind
Super Consciousness & Communications Grid

Last month we
Lifted Our Mother Earth
Thank you for all your assistance!
We did it!
We imagined the Earth as a Child…
& Lifted Her Up to a new Vibrational Level…
We had 55 powerful beings join us on the Teleconference
call & later through the recording.
Thank you ALL! We have people all over Mother Earth participating in creating
a Wave of Love & sending it through BETH. Together
we have lifted ourselves & our Mother Earth to a New Level of
Consciousness. Congratulations! This is what we can do together!
If anyone would like to share their experiences, I have
opened comments at the bottom of each Follow-up Page. Please feel free to
If you are so inspired please come play with us to Plant
the Seeds of a New Paradise Earth!

have so many new Articles, Messages & Art!
SpinningStarS eNewz now shares from many sources:
Message from Our New Universe Blog
- Vibrakey Newz - Interviews & Articles
Keep up in with the latest in What’s New?
We created a Blog
so new Messages & Articles can be posted regularly:
“Messages from our New Universe
we IGNITE a New Reality”

Here are
some of our latest additions:
or Updated Blog Pages:
Saleena: I love this Man! I am happy there is one person
on this Earth with his attitude. At a time when we have the opportunity to Plant the Seeds of a New Reality, he offers us his
awesome perspective! I found him years ago and his way of viewing the Earth
and Life has influenced my daily view of reality. Enjoy!
We stand on the verge of a
vast cosmical discovery
such as nothing hitherto
imagined can compare with.
An Interview with
Saleena Kí by Colin Whitby
Colin: Ok, thanks Saleena, the
last teleconference was very popular, how were you inspired to do that
particular ceremony.
Saleena: Well, I tried and
tried to figure it out. I was getting very frustrated because the topic I had
chosen, Galactic Freedom, wasn't opening up very easy… no-one was very inspired
about it…. even though the 8-8 was on the anniversary of Galactic Freedom
I had to finally toss up my
hands and surrender and admit I really didn't know what to do… and let go….It
was getting close to the time I needed to get out information for the
…One thing I have been curious
about is if anyone on the Council of OM or Council of Light had anything to share with us about what
has happened on Earth or otherwise since we lifted the Earth. What is the
effect of what we did? I know many people joined us on the call and many
others joined to assist in their own ways.
During this current energy cycle, we are receiving
intensified light body activation with divine infusion of the Super-Electron
into our cellular structure and electronic body of light. This activity will
potentially raise our group merkaba to an intergalactic level and open us
into a more integrated experience of our vast Omnipresent Oneness with all
life across multi-dimension.
The atoms within each of us can potentially spin at
increased frequencies to greatly awaken our multidimensional memories and
unlock the internal Hall of Records stored in the quantum levels of our DNA.
As we unfold the awesome gift of who and what we are as supreme biological
beings in form, our avatar abilities will naturally unfold along with a
vastly expanded perceptual framework to both our planetary and cosmic
Saleena: It is all
about energy.
It is all about transformation.
We can't get away from it.
It is inside us so it is happening all around us.
abound to
create something new;
a new life,
a new way of living,
a new you,
a new world,
a new reality.
"If LOVE succeeds on earth, and be it for only a few
hours in just one person or in just one loving couple, this experience of
LOVE will leave a trace in this newly opening room, a trace which is eternal
and will remain active forever.
A shining trace, a trace of love, which will remain visible
far beyond earth atmosphere.
Each experience of love and every experience of peace will stimulate this
room, fill and adorn it.
The power of this room is going to grow exponentially.
The songs of the Healed Matrix are the hymns which will
fill this room!

have many New Features on our
Vibrakey Website:
So many new Vibrakeys birthed in I can hardly keep up with
See What’s New? or the Birthing Gallery to enjoy them.

Learning Adventures
Lightwork Lightplay:
Higher Dimensional
Contact - Contact
Team & Messages
Projects - Lightwork Event
Energy Weather Reports
Hi-Vibe Living - Home Energetics
Personal - Earth
Water Adventures - Testing WaterAlive - New Water Intelligence

There has been much focus
on cleaning & healing the waters, since the Gulf Oil Spill focused our
attentions. I can feel it very strong, & I feel the water's happiness.
The messages I just posted include how to do the circular rainbow preparation
for this 5th - 8th Earth Lift we are going to do for
the Earth & ourselves. I bet the circular rainbows will help clean the
dark players & the waters. When you place them inside every particle,
they begin to spin faster when using love focused on them & when you share
love with someone else they activate even more. We saw sparks flying! You could focus on purifying, clearing, healing the
planetary waters, especially where oil is leaking or gushing, while you create the wave:
Clean Sparkling Pure Alive
Water Designs of Many Kinds

Transformational Art Gallery
VK Gallery
- Birthing Gallery
Water Art
Gallery - Codes
& Glyph Art - Crop Circle Art

We are SO VERY EXCITED we can now offer so much more from us to you
for your evolution, pleasure & inspiration!
Custom Offerings:
Sessions & Readings
- Custom Soul Art -
Hi-Vibe Graphic Design
Travel Adventure Sessions
Changing – FUN – Educational – Deep Healing
with Saleena & Marimar, as your omni-dimensional Travel Agent-Guides,
along with all our higher dimensional friends; SARA Medical Team, Arcturians,
Angels & more, into the dimensional landscapes of your soul.
Visit the past, present, future or parallel existences, and experience more
about: who you are, where you came from, your past skills, knowledge, events
that created certain beliefs, Meet more of yourself, your guides & your
soul family. Time & Space melts & opens for your explorations &
insights. Many skills are used to open the possibility for change. Healing occurs
when the patterns change.
Your Price: $333 includes a 2 hour session with
Saleena & Marimar & includes: a hand written transcript with
drawings & the 2 single card Vibrakeys you most need to support your
soul’s transformational theme.
In person, by phone or Skype. Long
distant phone charges are extra.


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Consciously Co-Creating a New Reality with