Spinning-StarS eNewz 06-20-2010 Most Powerful Solstice Ever! Portal Opens to Align Heaven & Earth
Into the
New Super Consciousness Living Grid “Exploring Crystalline
Creation” Read about our Teleconference Adventure June 6th, 2010
Summer Solstice; Amazing Portal Opening; Time
for Heaven & Earth to Align Solstice of OM; OM Crystal of Shasta & Gateway of OMJoin the OM Wave of the June 2010 Solstice, Receive hope, love and strength to all that tune in
during the 5 Days of OM, June 19-23. What in essence will occur is a wave of support will be given to boost humanities evolution into the Unconditional Love (Crystalline Transformation energy, of non duality wholeness, merging from dimensions 5 thru 12.
It is not for mankind to align or anchor the crystal per se, rather to align themselves to the energy of the OM Crystal through the process of visualization and the sending of the vibration of love. Wolves on Spring Equinox to Summer Solstice: What to Do To Make it Easier“Our numbers are not yet strong. We are threatened by forces that are larger than we are. They are called politics, and they threaten many parts of the earth. This is not so great a matter to you because there are changes which are much larger than these that will transform the earth.” Wolf Song New Solstice Dreaming-Black Wolf Includes June 12th Crop Circle Representing the energies of the Wolves assisting us to remember to honor earth & heal what is in us that is mirrored in the conditions we find now all around us, especially the Oil Gush in the Gulf of Mexico More Amazing Crop Circles leading up to this Solstice: www.cropcircleconnector.com “It is important to know that your
thoughts affect (everything)
have many New Features on our So
many new Vibrakeys birthed in I can hardly keep up with them: See What’s New? or
the Birthing Gallery to enjoy them.
Rainbow Adventures
LightBody Adventures
Heaven & Earth Grid
BETH - Superconsciousness Earth Grid Lightbody; What is
LightBody Bliss & Rainbow
Lightbody Everyone has the
Ability to Remember how to
Saleena Kí: I am a Weaver &
Storyteller. I enjoy weaving many varied ideas about this wonderous thing
called the Lightbody into a rich tapestry. Enjoy a variety of quotes with links to the longer articles for your Lightbody
explorations. Open your perceptions open your mind. Find what is resonant
& leave the rest for someone else… New Offerings The use of VK20 Lightbody Bliss &
practicing the Bliss Breathing, along with using VK46 Rainbow
LightShip to structure your water & raise your consciousness,
prepares your body-mind to receive the Rainbow LightShip seed from VK46. Then 3-4 weeks
after it has grown & integrated enough, you are then ready to activate your
Rainbow LightBody vehicle using the design of VK20 & the
instructions in VK20g
Lightbody in Transition Vibrakey Guide. They can either be purchased separately
as needed or all together in K-LB LightBody in Transition
Projects - Lightwork Event
Calendar Transformational Art Gallery Click
for all the new art in this Gallery I just added today! Crystal
Seed Springs Forth This is something i created as I was doing some lightplay... called Crystal Seed Springs Forth. You can find it online here: http://vibrakeys.com/TransArtGallery/Crystal_Seed_Springs_Forth.html This shows the alchemical action occurring as this crystal seed interacts with all the elements and enters the earth field. That is where we get it in our bodies. Vibrakey Galleries: In
Celebration of Summer Solstice & Father’s Day
it is time to make a deeper telepathic reconnection with Mother Earth-Gaia
& her higher self, Cht’i’aia. Time to reach out to the Nature Kingdom;
the animals, the plants & trees, the elementals & devas, fairies
& other middle earth beings, letting them know that you desire to
communicate, reunite, cooperate & build the new earth together. This
GardenSong Project Kit has the basic guidance to assist you in setting up a
new relationship with the Elementals, asking for their cooperation &
assistance. It is a wonderful way to start your Spring Garden or upgrade your
current one. From Flowers to vegetables, from a tiny back porch garden in
pots to a large farm, this design channels in energies that will help you
flourish together. Co-Create
& Co-operate with Nature; Learn How to Start Vibrakeys are Wonderful Father’s Day Gift! or any kind of Gift… Crystalline
Creation - Crystal Portal - Crystal Womb - Song of Creation Codes Hosted by: The Founders & Divine Mother-Father Crystalline Portal through
which flows the liquid crystal Waters of Life from Source; nectar of the
greatest sweetness. Connecting us to our butterfly family who live at the
edge of creation. Alchemical Womb for supporting Crystal Creations. Love of
the Divine flows through this portal. 6D Angelic energies shape its
structure. Transformation happens here. New life is formed. Crystal Seeding
flows, new DNA is activated. Water Art
Gallery - Codes
& Glyph Art - Crop Circle Art We are SO VERY EXCITED we can now offer so much more from us to you Custom Offerings: Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure SessionsLife Changing – FUN – Educational – Deep HealingJourney with Saleena & Marimar, as your omni-dimensional Travel Agent-Guides, along with all our higher dimensional friends; SARA Medical Team, Arcturians, Angels & more, into the dimensional landscapes of your soul.
Your Price: $333 includes a 2 hour session with Saleena & Marimar & includes: a hand written transcript with drawings & the 2 single card Vibrakeys you most need to support your soul’s transformational theme. In person, by phone or Skype. Long distant phone charges are extra. Sharing
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