Spinning-StarS eNewz 05-24-2010 INCLUDED IN THIS ISSUE:
Free Monthly Wave of Love in the
Living Grid Meditation-Creation June 6th, 2010 at 6:06 am & 6:06pm Local Time
Into the New Super Consciousness Living Grid “Exploring Crystalline Creation” Teleconference June 6th, 2010 @ 4:30pm Pacific Time: Register Here
“Your future is tied in
with that of the whole Universe and millions of other souls… The
Creator has sent you out to experience, so that through all of you they can
be shared and open the way to a greater level of consciousness. You like us
are evolving through group consciousness, and it will gradually embrace more
and more souls who are recognizing the Oneness of All That Is. SaLuSa
through Mike Quinsey 8-February-2010 6-6 Green Wave of Love in
the Living Grid
co-create a Green Wave of Love Washing
across a Live Earth… Restoring
Paradise & Life in Harmony Free
for everyone to participate everywhere in the world! Every month on
powerful portal days we invite you to join together in the Living Grid This Month 06-06-2010
Wednesday For optimum time
begin at 6:06am or 6:06pm your local time & in a
multi-dimensional reality you can intend anything you like & join when it is
convenient. If you are unfamiliar with BETH; the Super Consciousness Living Grid Click the link above
or see links below and familiarize
yourself with her before you start as you will enter the
grid first then
you fill the wave with the images & feelings of the Reality you Desire. Here are many possibilities to inspire you: Clean Sparkling Pure Alive Water Sustainable Living Green Business Green Living New Free Energy Technologies Break Through Power - How quantum-leap new energy inventions can transform our world: Saleena: I love this book! It is a “Most Likely to Save the Planet” kind of book! “It is ‘Everything you always
wanted to know about
how to live on Planet Earth without
destroying it, but didn’t know who to ask.” Cooperation & Co-Creation Go to the Full Message 6-6 Green Wave of Love in the Living Gridfor the all the hotlinks,
actions & information Our
New Grid is an Ongoing Project Feel free
to enter & energize, work with & explore BETH at anytime! The more we use her the stronger we will all grow together; the sooner we will have the Reality we Desire. The power of all of us consciously focusing together is what will create a kind of bonding fusion between our consciousness & the Grid. Read More About Her Here Teleconference
Invitation COME PLAY WITH US!!! HAVE SOME PROFOUND FUN!!! Teleconference Invitation 6-6-2010 “Exploring Crystalline Creation” Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Journey New Super Consciousness Living Grid: Teleconference Sunday June 6th, 2010 at 4:30pm Pacific Time Marimar,
Kí, Colin
Whitby , Suzanna Kennedy & Lanny Sinkin as your Omni-Dimensional Creation & Travel Adventure Guides
Exploring Crystalline Creation Guest: Shazna Jai She is working with Crystalline Clearings, it is a love evolution and from the power of the crystalline energies from the cosmos to humanity at this time. Shazna asked me if I could help her create a meditation journey to introduce these new crystalline energies. This is what we are going to explore on our 6-6 Adventure. We will first journey into BETH then find our way through the crystalline portals to the Source headwaters of these new crystalline energies that have been flowing to Earth. Colin & I first tasted these energies at the Border of the Void in the Garden of the Divine Mother of Creation. This is where we met some beautiful Butterfly Beings, sipping exquisite nectar from
flowers that grow there. This is where BETH evolved from. We were guided to help bring these crystalline energies through the dimensions into the Earth’s field & finally into the foundation that evolved into the new crystalline living grid. We are now using these energies in our work & they are informing the structure of so many of our new creations, including a new kind of Angel Crystal DNA. We see it in the Earth herself. We see it inside of us. Come sip & dip into these crystalline waters That flow from the cosmos to & through humanity at this time. We may meet the beings who are the Gardeners, Guardians or Creators of these Crystalline Structures. Explore, Bond & Co-Create in
BETH. Join us for a Guided Crystalline Journey to PLAY with our potential as Creator Gods to co-create a New Reality & most of all Have Fun Adventuring into multi-dimensions to LightPlay together! This is our time to have fun learning omni-dimensional skills together. Register Here
for Teleconference ***If page is unavailable email me*** A recording of will be available.
If you haven’t been into
her before, please familiarize yourself with basics first: Learn more About BETH
Consciousness Grid Page HERE THEME: BETH Lists
all Stories & Articles HERE New
System is Online; Beth: Use Her: Assembly of Earth Councils Listen to the Recordings from our first Teleconference: * Meeting Kilabetha aka Beth: Heart InnerNet – Introduction
(mp3 download, 63 minutes) For more details about
the Grid System: New Planetary, Galactic, Universal, Creational Heart – Mind New Super Consciousness & Communications Grid
Are you Ready for Public Contact?Visit the We Are Ready to Change the World Petition To Authors of “Change the World! Decide Whether We Should Show Up!” & join over 10,000 people who are ready say “Yes!” & to Change the World. We
have so many new Articles, Messages & Art! SpinningStarS eNewz now shares from many sources: Keep up in with the latest in What’s New? We created a Blog “Messages from our New Universe Together
we IGNITE a New Reality” Here
are some of our latest additions: New
Blog Pages: New
Articles: 5 Day Sun Transmission-Infusion from Source – Arcturian MessageNew Information & Instructions for our bodies. Starts today! Hold onto your DNA! A new reality interface is being birthed… Celebrate our Sun; 5 Day Transmission UpdateSaleena: For 5 days starting Sun, May 23rd HT, there have been strong energy transmissions coming in from the Sun. Today, Wed 2 is the second to last day. One more day to go… My experience of it has been lots of sleep, strong dreams, a few days feeling reality wobbling, acute awareness of my DNA. I slept in a semi-conscious state last night for three hours, much earlier than I usually sleep. I dreamed of sections of something that looked like DNA twisting by with spiky looking growths on it…like looking at ice crystals. I was aware that it had an inverted side to its reality. The one I could see was darker & the one on the other side was lighter… |
have many New Features on our So
many new Vibrakeys birthed in I can hardly keep up with them: See What’s New? or
the Birthing Gallery to enjoy them.
Rainbow Adventures
LightBody Adventures
Heaven & Earth Grid
BETH - Superconsciousness Earth Grid Lightbody; What is
LightBody Bliss & Rainbow
Lightbody Everyone has the
Ability to Remember how to
Saleena Kí: I am a Weaver &
Storyteller. I enjoy weaving many varied ideas about this wonderous thing
called the Lightbody into a rich tapestry. Enjoy a variety of quotes with links to the longer articles for your Lightbody
explorations. Open your perceptions open your mind. Find what is resonant
& leave the rest for someone else… New Offerings The use of VK20 Lightbody Bliss &
practicing the Bliss Breathing, along with using VK46 Rainbow LightShip
to structure your water & raise your consciousness, prepares your
body-mind to receive the Rainbow LightShip seed from VK46.
Then 3-4 weeks after it has grown & integrated enough, you are then ready
to activate your Rainbow LightBody vehicle using the design of VK20 & the
instructions in VK20g
Lightbody in Transition Vibrakey Guide. They can either be purchased separately
as needed or all together in K-LB LightBody in Transition
Projects - Lightwork Event
Calendar Transformational Art Gallery Click
for all the new art in this Gallery I just added today!
Vibrakey Galleries: In
Celebration of Spring, Earth Day & Mother’s Day
it is time to make a deeper telepathic reconnection with Mother Earth-Gaia
& her higher self, Cht’i’aia. Time to reach out to the Nature Kingdom;
the animals, the plants & trees, the elementals & devas, fairies
& other middle earth beings, letting them know that you desire to
communicate, reunite, cooperate & build the new earth together. This GardenSong
Project Kit has the basic guidance to assist you in setting up a new
relationship with the Elementals, asking for their cooperation &
assistance. It is a wonderful way to start your Spring Garden or upgrade your
current one. From Flowers to vegetables, from a tiny back porch garden in
pots to a large farm, this design channels in energies that will help you
flourish together. Co-Create
& Co-operate with Nature; Learn How to Start Crystalline
Creation - Crystal Portal - Crystal Womb - Song of Creation Codes Hosted by: The Founders & Divine Mother-Father Crystalline Portal through
which flows the liquid crystal Waters of Life from Source; nectar of the
greatest sweetness. Connecting us to our butterfly family who live at the
edge of creation. Alchemical Womb for supporting Crystal Creations. Love of
the Divine flows through this portal. 6D Angelic energies shape its
structure. Transformation happens here. New life is formed. Crystal Seeding
flows, new DNA is activated. Water Art
Gallery - Codes
& Glyph Art - Crop Circle Art We are SO VERY EXCITED we can now offer so much more from us to you Custom Offerings: Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure SessionsLife Changing – FUN – Educational – Deep HealingJourney with Saleena & Marimar, as your omni-dimensional Travel Agent-Guides, along with all our higher dimensional friends; SARA Medical Team, Arcturians, Angels & more, into the dimensional landscapes of your soul.
Your Price: $333 includes a 2 hour session with Saleena & Marimar & includes: a hand written transcript with drawings & the 2 single card Vibrakeys you most need to support your soul’s transformational theme. In person, by phone or Skype. Long distant phone charges are extra. Sharing
Abundance: |
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feel free to forward this on to other friends that might be interested. Please use a Quote, an article or any of the graphics; We love to be
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