Spinning-StarS eNewz 05-23-2010 INCLUDED IN THIS ISSUE: EVENTS:
7 Latest Blog Articles: Messages of our New Universe Earth
is in OUR Hands; Wake UP! We ARE EARTH! Anastasia
– Magical & Practical: Space of Love & Commune with & Co-create
with Nature Birth
of a CoCreative Universal Human; Is that what we are doing? Wolf:
Prelude: Beyond Time & Space Omni-D
Adventure with Wolves & Whales; Healing the Leak Oil
Spill: SOS Calling for Intervention of a Higher Order
Day Sun Transmission-Infusion from Source Message
from Belees, the Arcturian “For the Next 5 Days we will
be receiving an Infusion thru our Sun;
a Transmission from Source
Filled with New Information
& Instructions for our Bodies.
A new reality interface is being
For the next five
days there will be some very intense energies. We are all working
to help stabilize the Earth and humans, in fact all life. These energies will
correspond with the major energy influx
is coming in through your SUN from the Great Central Sun chain. Information &
instructions for your bodies
will be included in these transmissions from Source direct. We
extend a simple offer of support; a gift of love. If you ask us and give us permission to assist you
in adjusting easier through the transmission. Quietly, reach out to us and
share your request with us. Breathe deep and allow yourself to feel our
presence in whatever way you do. They will touch your energies and make note
of your location. The broadcast of the supportive frequencies begins
immediately and will continue for several days after the transmission ends. It is already
beginning and will continue for approximately 5
more days: Saturday Sunday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Full Article:
Day Sun Transmission-Infusion from Source – Arcturian Message For More about the VK37 Sublime Health
Project hosted by Belees & this Arcturian Team Visit: www.vibrakeys.com/vkgallery/VK37-detail.html
Full Moon Planetary Grid Transmission Let us simply become a conduit to receive and transmit the wordless purity of Source as it wishes to manifest upon our Earth. It is time now to still our minds, and open our hearts. Let us allow ourselves to dissolve within the heart of God, Source, Spirit Please feel free to participate in Planetary Grid Transmissions Full
Moon Thursday, May 27 Full Article: Conduit for Source: Full Moon Grid Transmission for a beautiful visualization.This is another opportunity to familiarize your self with the new Super Consciousness Living Grid we call BETH & enter her to experience the Full Moon Transmission. Feel free to use her for any of your lightwork or play projects. Great for personal or group Meditations, & communications with Nature or the higher dimensions. Many are connecting into BETH & together we are becoming the grid. Our
New Grid is an Ongoing Project Feel free to enter
& energize, work with & explore BETH at anytime! Read More About Her Here there is a detailed story & suggestions how to best use her. There are many benefits from learning to consciously enter her & co-create a new reality. We
have so many new Articles, Messages & Art! SpinningStarS eNewz now shares from many sources: Keep up in with the latest in What’s New? We created a Blog “Messages from our New Universe Together
we IGNITE a New Reality” Here
are some more of our Latest Articles & Message: Click
each title for the Full Article Earth
is in OUR Hands; Wake UP! We ARE EARTH! HEY, WAKE UP!!! This Gulf of Mexico “leak” is gushing approx. 90.000 barrels of oil! That is more than 3 MILLION GALLONS A DAY!!! I’ll call it what it is; a GUSH & an Bold Opportunity… Includes: Wolves Message about this potent time we are in between the Spring Equinox & Summer Solstice. “We must align heaven & earth…” Some expanded perspective on the Mexican Gulf Oil Spill. Some new technology to help clean the ocean offered from Kevin Costner & opportunity to assist… Anastasia
– Magical & Practical: Space of Love & Commune with & Co-create
with Nature
Now: We Create the Space of Love
A revolution has begun on earth. Thousands of people all over the earth are co-creating a future that is everything we imagined life can be. Inspired by the powerful words of light -Anastasia shares with Vladamir Megre written in the Ringing Cedar books. “In the book you are going to write there will be unobtrusive combinations, formulations made up of letters, and they will arouse in the majority of people good and radiant feelings. These feelings are capable of overcoming ailments of body and soul, and will facilitate the birth of a new awareness inherent in people of the future. Believe me, Vladimir, this is not mysticism – it is in accord with the laws of the Universe.” - Anastasia. I share many
resources, videos, ideas to spark your interest & inspire you to look
into the phenomenon begun by one woman’s powerful dreaming. Some really
beautiful videos about gardening & communicating & co-creating with
Nature… Wolf:
Prelude: Beyond Time & Space
Lanny Sinkin shares from the Conscious Bible Chapter 2 Prelude:
Beyond Time and Space Lifting his head, he called to the moon to release into consciousness the hidden mystery. Out of the night came raven. Gliding down beside wolf, raven flooded wolf’s mind with a vision more powerful than any wolf had ever experienced. Returning to his pack, Wolf understood that this vision needed to be shared
with the humans. Omni-D
Adventure with Wolves & Whales; Healing the Leak
2010-05-03 Exploring BETH: Politics of Change, Lanny’s insights about Obama’s Administration & their Decisions, Visiting the Oil Spill, No more Drilling or Quilling for Mother Earth, Meeting the Wolves; Slice of the Moon & Wisdom of the Wolves. Belees, the Arcturians message. Oil
Spill: SOS Calling for Intervention of a Higher Order
With humility we call on our Divine Source and the angelic realm to support us in cleansing the
oil from the Gulf of Mexico. We welcome and pray for intervention of a Higher Order to step in and provide a solution, that is in accordance with the Divine Plan for our ascending Earth. Move those involved rightly in thought, word and deed to serve the
highest good of all life concerned. |
have many New Features on our So
many new Vibrakeys birthed in I can hardly keep up with them: See What’s New? or
the Birthing Gallery to enjoy them.
Learning Adventure Article: Everyone has the
Ability to Remember how to
Saleena Kí: I am a Weaver &
Storyteller. I enjoy weaving many varied ideas about this wonderous thing
called the Lightbody into a rich tapestry. Enjoy a variety of quotes with links to the longer articles for your Lightbody
explorations. Open your perceptions open your mind. Find what is resonant
& leave the rest for someone else… New Offerings The use of VK20 Lightbody Bliss &
practicing the Bliss Breathing, along with using VK46 Rainbow
LightShip to structure your water & raise your consciousness,
prepares your body-mind to receive the Rainbow LightShip seed from VK46. Then 3-4 weeks
after it has grown & integrated enough, you are then ready to activate your
Rainbow LightBody vehicle using the design of VK20 & the
instructions in VK20g
Lightbody in Transition Vibrakey Guide. They can either be purchased separately
as needed or all together in K-LB LightBody in Transition
Projects - Lightwork Event
Calendar Transformational Art & Vibrakey Galleries: In
Celebration of Spring, Earth Day & Mother’s Day
it is time to make a deeper telepathic reconnection with Mother Earth-Gaia
& her higher self, Cht’i’aia. Time to reach out to the Nature Kingdom;
the animals, the plants & trees, the elementals & devas, fairies
& other middle earth beings, letting them know that you desire to
communicate, reunite, cooperate & build the new earth together. This
GardenSong Project Kit has the basic guidance to assist you in setting up a
new relationship with the Elementals, asking for their cooperation &
assistance. It is a wonderful way to start your Spring Garden or upgrade your
current one. From Flowers to vegetables, from a tiny back porch garden in
pots to a large farm, this design channels in energies that will help you
flourish together. Co-Create
& Co-operate with Nature; Learn How to Start New Super Consciousness & Communications Grid New Planetary, Galactic, Universal, Creational Heart -
Mind Water Art
Gallery - Codes
& Glyph Art - Crop Circle Art We are SO VERY EXCITED we can now offer so much more from us to you Custom Offerings: Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure SessionsLife Changing – FUN – Educational – Deep HealingJourney with Saleena & Marimar, as your omni-dimensional Travel Agent-Guides, along with all our higher dimensional friends; SARA Medical Team, Arcturians, Angels & more, into the dimensional landscapes of your soul.
Your Price: $333 includes a 2 hour session with Saleena & Marimar & includes: a hand written transcript with drawings & the 2 single card Vibrakeys you most need to support your soul’s transformational theme. In person, by phone or Skype. Long distant phone charges are extra. Sharing
Abundance: You could be our miracle today. |
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