Spinning-StarS eNewz 05-05-2010 Wave of Love in the Living Grid VK56 Super Consciousness Grid - Kilabetha Everyone is invited to become part of a New
Heart-Based Telepathic Communications Network; a new Crystalline
Omni-Dimensional Living Grid where we Co-Create a New Reality Together! We call the Living Grid Kilabetha or BEth & her base structure is now in place & surrounding Mother Earth. It is free for everyone to participate everywhere in
the world. This Month: On 05-05-2010
Wednesday Begin
at 5:55am or 5:55pm your local time. Every month on powerful portal days we invite you to join together Kilabetha, or BETH as we call her, is a living being. She was created in response to many of our petitions & declarations for assistance in moving from the influence a world-wide dominating controlled group who operate out of a heart-less, destructive, greed-profit oriented system to a regenerative, sustainable, harmonious, loving community of Earth Humans living, working & co-creating together to accomplish this. Since BETH is run with Love & entered only when you are in & stay in your heart, we are assured she will be an instrument of right action. This brings us confidence to use her freely. Read More About Her Here (link the new web page) Begin at the chosen time; 5:55am or 5:55pm your local time on May 5th to send a wave of love, empowered by your intentions & dreams, from within her all around the world. The more who meet in her, send their love & vote for what we want to create, the stronger we bond within her & become part of this new super consciousness & communications system. Her & our potential is waiting to be discovered! The more we use her the stronger we will all grow together; the sooner we will have the Reality we Desire. The power of all of us consciously focusing together is what will create a kind of bonding fusion between our consciousness & the Grid. What can we do if we UNITE & Become ONE?“When we come together in united intention, we alter the very fabric of our reality. Together, we are truly creating the New Earth. Let us join (together at) this time in envisioning more of our New Earth structure, one of sacred relationship with all life.” Children of the Sun “Your future is tied in
with that of the whole Universe and millions of other souls… The Creator has
sent you out to experience, so that through all of you they can be shared and
open the way to a greater level of consciousness. You like us are evolving
through group consciousness, and it will gradually embrace more and more
souls who are recognizing the Oneness of All That Is. SaLuSa
through Mike Quinsey 8-February-2010 Our
New Super Consciousness Grid is an Ongoing Project. We invite you to energize & strengthen our Grid System all together on each of these dates & times either am or pm 4-4 at 4:44 5-5 at 5:55 6-6 at 6:66 7-7 at 7:77 8-8 at 8:88 9-9 at 9:99 10-10 at 10:10 11-11 at 11:11 & 12-12 at 12:12 Feel free to enter & energize, work with
& explore BETH at anytime! Explore more
about BETH Here:
Invitation 05-05-2010 Omni-Dimensional
Travel Adventure Journey New
Super Consciousness Living Grid: Teleconference
May 5th, 2010 at 6:00pm Pacific Time Join
Marimar, Saleena Kí,
Whitby & Suzanna Kennedy as your Omni-Dimensional
Creation & Travel Adventure Guides Explore,
Bond & Co-Create in BETH. We all have a new spark, a new kind of crystal
inside. We
know that many of you experienced these last few days (April 04-13) as if you
were completely “offline” from your regular routine. What ever you perceive
that to be. You
might say that the computer that runs creation was reset and realigned. The
consciousness of what your perceive as Source, as Creator… was open to a update of reality from the point where all reality
enters this creation until it reaches you. We were all effected. A
creational reset occurred and now there is a new level of information flowing
throughout this creation. What does that mean for earth? What does that mean
for you? That is to be discovered. Read more: Assembly for Earth Councils -Message: Day6: Creational Computer Re-set
is our time to practice omni-dimensional skills together.
Register Here ***If page is
unavailable check with me*** A recording will be available. Read
full article:
For more details: Are you Ready for Public Contact?Your participation is a big “Yes” to opening up to the next level of Public Contact & Communication with the Higher Dimensional Realms; including our Star Families, Friends & other aspects of our own souls. This is another step closer to becoming a Galactic Society. Visit the We Are Ready to Change the World Petition to Authors of “Change the World! Decide Whether We Should Show Up!” & join over 10,000 people who are ready say “Yes!” & to Change the World.
have so many new Articles, Messages & Art! SpinningStarS eNewz now shares from many sources: Keep up in with the latest in What’s New? We started a New Blog “Messages from our New Universe Together
we IGNITE a New Reality” Introducing Sophia, Moreahl & the new Universal
Logos along
with many Guests: Higher Dimensional &
Human |
have many New Features on our So
many new Vibrakeys birthed in I can hardly keep up with them: See What’s New? or
the Birthing Gallery to enjoy them.
Transformational Art & Vibrakey Galleries: Newly updated VK20
Lightbody Bliss LightBody
Bliss MerKaBa
Activation Water Art
Gallery - Codes
& Glyph Art - Crop Circle Art Higher consciousness codes for your water, includes code disk from the Ambassadors used in VK44 BluWater Elixir and K-HC Higher Consciousness Kit to raise consciousness to a new level. Includes VK44 BluWater Elixir crystal matrix. Includes energies of the ocean around the Big Island of Hawaii. Includes frequencies of Living Blue Pearl. Silver and Blue liquid codes from the beginning and end of time. Print is also available in K-TWD Transform your Water Deluxe Kit. Special Offer Poster available in a
nice Collector’s Edition high quality print in 2 sizes. Laminated
version is useful for assisting in the process of choosing which VKs to work
with or to purchase. We are SO VERY EXCITED we can now offer so much more from us to you Our Offerings: Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure SessionsLife Changing – FUN – Educational – Deep HealingJourney with Saleena &
Marimar, as your omni-dimensional Travel Agent-Guides, along with all our
higher dimensional friends; SARA Medical Team, Arcturians, Angels & more,
into the dimensional landscapes of your soul.
In person, by phone or Skype. Long distant phone charges are extra. Sharing
Abundance: |
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nice graphic you can use: Cut &
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