12-21 Portal of Love

VK65 New Universe
- Portal of Love - New Hologram
Happy Solstice,
12-12, 12-21 & congratulations!
Together we (many
of our higher dimensional friends & our own higher dimensional
aspects) have created something brand
new! In the last few months, more lightwork & more Vibrakeys have been
birthed than ever before! The energies have undulated up & down from
blissful ecstatic states & clear focused days to days when we could
hardly move or think & could sleep all day from the fatigue. Our brains
were literally rewired a few weeks ago. New codes continue flowing in, strong
energy waves wash over us from the cosmos & new amazing relationships are
opening up with those in the higher dimensions. Our bodies are changing into
higher dimensional vehicles with a much higher content of crystal. Seems like
the aging process is slowing & for some, reversing as we learn how to create
what we desire.
What I have
noticed consistently through this last month & half is that Love is the
most consistent theme everyone is mentioning this time period is about. Here
is a quote from Lauren C. Gorgo
"As the
12:21 stargate opens and fully floods the planet and her people with this
reinforcing vibration of love, all that is not love will again come forth to
be seen and healed... and in this very moment of healing, a divine
unification will occur between all things."
"As more of humanity steps into mastery and self-love thru the solstice
period, the way-showers, path-pavers and all those who held steadfast to
truth, will become free to experience the full rewards of universal
activation (being in the right place at the right time) and the exhilarating
ride into our new lives. All energetic roadblocks that have held us back for
so long will finally dissipate as we begin 2010 with the forward moving
momentum that will catapult us into the new and true." 12:21-Out With the Old, In with the
New is available to view HERE
These last few
weeks Colin, Marimar & I have been focused on the co-creation
of a new Universe birthing into the center of our old one. Sometimes when it
is happening I simply lack the words to speak of it. I feel it, I know it, I
sense it, I see it & I ride with the creation until it is has come into
our earth plane enough to share.
This last year I
have had the joy of working with a team of wonderful lightworkers & friends
on many of these kinds of projects, all leading us up to this
moment. I love using the new Vibrakeys to assist in bringing
in the new. They record, reflect & bridge into these
new energies & constructs & help map & bridge a way to touch
& experience them. We are participating in the new creations, along with
riding the energies as new events unfold to raise the levels of consciousness
& vibration in our reality. Many of the newest Vibrakeys that are being
released have been co-created with this team & many of our higher
dimensional friends & allies. I am happy to share many new ones with you
now. Make sure you visit our Vibrakey Gallery & Birthing Gallery for the newest designs &
I will now invite
Sophia to flow through & share her message with us.
Birth of a New Universe
New Logos
VK65 Code Design
Sophia: Begin with me now, dearest ones. I am here to share
with you a new gift, a new perspective as you pass through the Portal of Love
on this 12-21-2009 Solstice Day. Many new energies & structures have been
created & birthed in the months previous to this day.
This day is the
Grand Opening of a brand New Universe!
This day is your
time to touch into the new within you & outside of you; the macro & micro…
Words are
insufficient to explain what has happened. Many of you are working in many
dimensions & have been a part of co-creating something that has never
happened before. The birth of a new Universe inside the old Universe can be
accessed in the macro (largest level) as a brand new creational bubble or as
micro (tiniest) as a new lining in your cells. Today I feel to bring you here
to touch it with you own body-mind & within your hearts.
No matter if this
is the first time you are hearing of this, what ever moment you join me &
my Beloved partner, Moreahl, you will feel as if it is your first
birthing day into a brand new creation.
The air is
sparkling with potential
to create what
ever you would like.
There is a new Universal Logos born to assist in things that universes require.
There are new Overseers & many
Volunteers to serve in a co-creative roles, within the newly organizing body
& structures of this new Universe.
Everything in
this New Universe may seem similar at first glance & very different as
you look deeper. Many of the old archetypal roles & choices that have
played out in the previous universe are no longer available. Many of the old
models are no longer available.
Step up & try
out the new one!
A new Archetypal Library has been sorted & gathered to offer a brand new
kind of experience.
These doors are
now open & this is the invitation to enter & partake. The structure
is so very new, there are very little organization or new creations here yet.
This is why all
of you are invited to participate.
You are awakening
now to the true creators that you are.

You are opening
your deeper eyes for the first time in aeons to remember your true power and
capabilities. Many awareness’s will spontaneously appear within your knowings.
You will wonder where they came from. They have always been with you, only
covered by the veils of forgetfulness… there are tiny fragments ready to be
cleared away totally as you are ready. Let your intentions be known.
New structures in
your energy & physical bodies
are being
a new
configuration for perceiving reality
is now in place
within your body system.
A new Holograph
is being projected now.
A new movie is
now released; open to receive. New codes are pouring in from the higher structures
that feed this new universe. Potential for massive rearrangement of what you
perceive as your daily life is here now.
Things are now
going to change extremely rapidly.
Situations you have
patiently anticipated, envisioned, hoped for, dreamed in, will evolve quickly
into a new way of life now. Some will resist & continue to attempt to
create their same life. This may be painful & upsetting as there is no
support for this. Many will choose to move to other realms where they can
continue the play of duality as their soul’s choice.
Many challenges
that have seemed nearly impossible to solve will spontaneously arrive at
creative solutions with astonishing ease & grace. Many pieces of a puzzle
that have been missing will appear & fall into place. This long drawn out
path of recovery you have seen ahead of you will suddenly take on a whole new
reality. You will feel like you have transported to a new life, a new earth,
a new world will appear around you. You will be amazed that it is.
All of you have
assisted in this creation at some level.
All of you have
participated with many aspects of your soul. This will be new & familiar
at the same time.
Many of the dark
& sticky political situations that have taken dips & twist & turns to resist
the higher visions, desires & dreams of so many who wish to live
sustainable & in harmony, will suddenly weaken & die away. Fresh new
faces, ideals & ideas will rapidly take their place & many will wonder where the old
has gone… & it will be gone from this reality.
Doors will open…
The doors between
the planets & the many star races, who have served to support &
ensure your freedom to evolve, will now open. Reunion
from the inner earth & from what you call space will occur now. Realize
that many of you have already begun to contact & work with & become
friends with many of these beings both in your waking & your dreaming
states. It will continue to become more lucid for many of you.
Guided Meditation:
Calibrate & Align to the New Universe
Sacred Marriage
Divine Union
Now I promised to
take you on a journey, it is time. Allow yourself to go inward into your heart &
breathe gently. Focusing your attentions & energies within you. Draw in,
with your breath, this soft pink love saturated light I am offering you. Feel my presence all around you
& in you.
I am representing
the Divine Mothers, the new Divine Feminine
& we are
giving our highest light to you;
ALL you are able
to receive.
Breathe it in. Fill you heart with this light, this color, this love. I have volunteered to serve in an overseeing role in
this new Universe. No longer will you perceive Gods & Goddesses who Rule
over you. We are in a co-creation now. We serve in supportive & loving
ways now. You are growing into the magnificence of who you are…remembering
more every day. Every day you will awake with more confidence & love. Breathe me into you cells, into
the structure of your body. Draw this pink light into your
blood & bones… let it seep into every particle of your being. Let it
light up your pituitary gland, then flow into your own inner feminine. Take
as much time as you like.

You may have a
feeling of expansion beginning. Allow yourself to be drawn upward into the
region of your head, your crown. I bring to you my Beloved, a soul who has
come from outside the old creation. He is new within this creation. He
assisted in the original creation of this old universe from its very
beginnings. He helped to dream into existence a place for all our souls to
play out the separation & reunions. Moreahl, I introduce to you.
Moreahl: Beloveds I offer to you my love
that has been shining through the ages as the Blue Christ Light, recently reactivated here on earth as the Blue Crystal Light in many of your hearts, and in the Earth’s crystal
grids. When Sophia and I bring our light and our love together we offer you
the divine feminine and the divine masculine in perfect balance, and this
time we bring to you a totally new energy, never experienced in this
reality before.

VK63 Lyran Song
of Home
We have joined
our hearts & volunteered to serve as Overseers in this new Universe. I
offer to you my light… I represents the Divine Fathers, the new Divine Masculine & we
are giving to you our highest light. Breathe in this sparkling bright blue light. Breathe it into you
mind. Fill your head with it. Draw it into your eyes, your glands; the
pineal, the hypothalamus, run it through your nerves, then allow it to flood
into your whole body, muscles, tissue, saturating every particle. Now allow
it flow into your own inner masculine. Take as much time as you like.

Sophia: Feel these two colors, the Blue Christ Light & the Pink Love Saturated Light beginning to find each other everywhere in your body. Combine them,
let them dance & mix; creating the most beautiful shades of PURPLE. Let
yourself intuitively tone or sing or make sounds that assist in the merging.
Allow this new color to expand throughout your energy bodies…moving outwards
from your physical body as you begin to glow with this new kind of energy
& light. This is a Sacred Marriage. You are touching us &
joining in the love we are sharing; the love we hold for each other & all
of creation.
We are One with

Now I would like
to bring one more being into your presence. This is the Divine Child, holding the highest Divine Crystal-Light for all to receive. This child
is bringing to us all, the keys & codes for Divine Re-Union. This is the
new Logos of our new Universe. Born of fire & life, water & love. Gathered from everywhere; born with the greatest new
potentials to bring together & birth this new Universe. This one brings
you neither male nor female. This one brings Unity, Oneness, Wholeness. Serving with clarity,
informing the whole of this new Universe with its Golden Fire & light,
its liquid love; gleaming streams of new codes for potential creation.

Receive this
golden stream in through your solar plexus, your Sun Center…
open & receive the streams of new creative potential. The keys &
codes for Divine Union. Let it flow in & find its
way into every particle of your whole being… your physical, emotional &
spiritual essence. Drink it in. Soak it up. Saturate yourself with Oneness,
Unity, Harmony & Wholeness.

Imagine you are
in a bubble which is your alchemical container. Now allow us to become a great
golden light radiating out of your whole being, joining with the purple that is a combining of the pink & blue. Swirling all together. With your intent create within your body mind & spirit, a bonding of
all these elements. An alchemical mixture of them all. Mother Father Child.

VK48 Divine Union - Triad - Re-Union
Allow these new
codes & keys to unlock
the binding power
of the
Re-Union within you.
Sacred Marriage begets the Child
who returns the
keys of Divine Re-Union.
Return to ONE beloveds.
Accept it is
within you.
Allow it to be your
Make this new
Universe yours.
It is within you
Embrace it.
You are Creator
Source of a new Reality.
You dream us in.