SpinningStarS Update




Aloha Heart Family,

I thought it would be fun to do a series of interview to give you an inside glimpse into Hugh. This is the first one… there might be more coming… we still have 2 days to go until the final 40 are chosen for the next round of the essay contest. It helps his visibility and gives him moral support as we read and publically rate his essay. If you already have, thank you! If you rank it before July 7th at midnight ET it is most appreciated. Otherwise it is open until Oct. 31st for the public opinion to be express. All comments and question can be sent to Hugh’s email below. This has been an amazing process to watch and support. From the time I met Hugh, he has been steadily working on his model for the grid. This is very exciting for me to see his works going public at last! If you want to read his essay click on Software Cosmos anywhere in this email:


2013-06-27 Interview with Hugh Matlock

right after he submitted his Software Cosmos essay:


Saleena Kí : You seem relieved today, no longer worried about the research. What were you worried about? You have laid out a series of bread crumbs…

Hugh Matlock: I think the idea, let's call it the discovery, that I made, could just disappear and be forgotten because it doesn't last long enough; either it is suppressed or I don't last long enough to get it out there. I think I am more relaxed about that today because with this "Software Cosmos" paper it lays out a series of bread crumbs, a path for physicists to follow to give them the answers they are looking for.

It creates a picture, a model, a general concept, that they can formalize mathematically to get a more coherent picture of what's going on.

So just by submitting this today, and in the next few days seeing it go online, that will answer that question because that's not something that can be taken back.


Read more


If you have comments or questions

email Hugh at



Much LOVE is flowing to you ALL

Saleena Kí


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