2010-12-21 Winter Solstice Activity


SpinningStarS Update 1

12-21 Winter Solstice Activity


Saleena: On the evening of Dec 20th or Dec 21st depending on where you are on this beautiful planet Earth, there is going to be a powerful and rare Full Blue Moon Total Lunar Eclipse. These energies are leading right into our Winter Solstice. You can read more here: Happy New Moon & December Cosmic Events I will be posting some more information on this before the evening is up.



Dec. 21st: Calling all those who knew this day would come to gather together and partake of this level of initiation to bring a greater balance to the polarities of the Feminine and Masculine throughout Creation. Everything we do here on Earth, which was the densest place in the Universe, affects the whole of creation. It is time to bring about an even greater balancing to the polarity experiment as we move ourselves out of the lower levels and upwards into the light. We humans on Earth have had a form of amnesia and at many levels, forgotten who we really are and how powerful we are. This is another opportunity to serve the whole. I will be there. If this aligns with your soul’s purpose read on and register:


From: Suzanna Kennedy [mailto:suzannak@hawaii.rr.com] 

Aloha Suzanna,

Several years ago, I surrendered myself in service to the Divine Mother. The next day, she gifted me with and an incredible experience, an initiation. I experienced the emergence of my I AM from the Void. And I experienced the birth of All That Is from the perspective of The Mother of Creation. A few days ago, I shared this memory with Colin, holding the space for him to experience it himself. I was able to initiate him and he experienced it from The Father of Creation perspective.

Now we stand in Sacred Union, ready to hold a space of balance and initiation, while you remember your emergence from the Void into I AM Consciousness. This is spiritual tantra in its highest _expression_.

The 2010 Winter Solstice is incredibly potent. 

On Monday night, just hours before the Solstice, the Earth's shadow will cross the face of the Full Moon, collapsing time in a dimensional portal of infinite possibility. The alignment of the eclipse with the galactic core is a rare cosmic phenomenon and is connected with 2012 and the Mayan calendar, the cycles of Venus, the Earth and the Moon. This opening in the heavens signals a time of great change on Earth, of purification and enlightenment. Allison Rae

We will have reached tipping point. This is a game changer. And like all overnight successes, we've been building up to this for many, many years. Linda Lubin

Winter Solstice - Sacred Union Webcast
Light Body Adventure with Suzanna and Colin
Tuesday, December 21 @ 12 noon Pacific Time
1 hour, recording sent to all registrants
Register Here: 

*Not a convenient time? If you cannot join us live, register anyway and you will receive the recording within 24 hours the live event to listen to at your convenience.

Blessings of grace and joy,
